Maurice O'Reilly has a new book out....

Maurice O'Reilly has a new book out....


Richard Gee

Original Poster:

201 posts

224 months

Friday 21st March 2008
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Some of you will have met Maurice. he's cool. He has a new book out and obviously it includes a great deal of stuff aqbout his driving and racing experiences in New Zealand - or so I am told. More info here - got to be worth $20!


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 21st March 2008
quotequote all
Available at all good book stores?

Count me in for a copy, just point me to the vendor smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 21st March 2008
quotequote all
I ordered my 4 copies straight from Maurice wink