Thieving fcuking pikeys!

Woke up this morning to (once again) find my car broken into. By my reckoning that's about 8 times in as many years. Tried to steal it but the dumb b

Reckon they were trying to steal it to take thieving with them so that they could be anonymous while out committing other crimes.... you've got to wonder what it's all come to eh?
This must be what Helen Clark means by the large reduction in non-violent crime we've all been told about

And Roger, this ain't anything to do with my frame of mind, I've been rather positive lately and I still got shafted so

I'd still report it to get it on record.

I think you need a TrackDay to get your mind off it

I'd still report it to get it on record.
Esprit said:
This must be what Helen Clark means by the large reduction in non-violent crime we've all been told about 
It's like the reduced hospital waiting lists. Just re-classify a whole lot of patients onto a "Pre-Waiting List" where they can wait until they die or re-mortgage the house to fly to Oz to get private treatment. 

I think you need a TrackDay to get your mind off it

Kiwi XTR2 said:
I think you need a TrackDay to get your mind off it 
Top idea sir 

TVR Moneypit said:
Blimey. Sound like things are as gloomy in NZ as they are in the UK?
In some areas worse 
TVR Moneypit said:
Mauris? (think I spelt that correctly?)
Do you mean Maori (which is also the plural) ?They are over-represented in some statistics but are also some of the nicest, most generous people you could ever meet. Although I've never seen a detailed analysis I think that if you compare for socio-economic factors, education, long-term unemployment, etc that race in isolation actually has very little to do with the crime figures in NZ.
I think it would be safer to assume that the retard was:
- Under 20 years old (probably under 18 years old)
- Unemployed
- Had no secondary school qualifications
- Still living at home with parents (and the parents had no idea where their darwinian aberration was at 3:00am)
Edited by Kiwi XTR2 on Friday 14th March 12:53
Whitey said:
Bad luck. Do you live in a dodgy area? Why not report it to the cops? (or are they that unresponsive to this sort of crime where you live?)
Hope your exige is tucked up safe in a garage!
Last time I had a car broken into on this side of Auckland the policeman ACTIVELY discouraged me from making a complaint. As in he asked how bad the damage was and if I was going to claim insurance, I said it was just a busted lock (I should really get a bulk buy on the things) and probably not... he then said they couldn't do much and it would be a bit pointless for everyone involved to just let sleeping dogs lie. When I said I wanted to go ahead anyway, he fobbed me off about not having the right paperwork there and I should go downtown to get it done. I decided that's what they do with every small break-in to try and keep the numbers down and looking food for the wonderful, benevolent Rt. Dishon. Helen Clark.Hope your exige is tucked up safe in a garage!
Oh and don't worry, the Exige is tucked up safely under (several) locks, keys and alarms. This is just my complete and utter bag of s

Edited by Esprit on Friday 14th March 13:38
TVR Moneypit said:
Kiwi XTR2 said:
TVR Moneypit said:
Mauris? (think I spelt that correctly?)
Do you mean Maori (which is also the plural) ?They are over-represented in some statistics but are also some of the nicest, most generous people you could ever meet. Although I've never seen a detailed analysis I think that if you compare for socio-economic factors, education, long-term unemployment, etc that race in isolation actually has very little to do with the crime figures in NZ.
I think it would be safer to assume that the retard was:
- Under 20 years old (probably under 18 years old)
- Unemployed
- Had no secondary school qualifications
- Still living at home with parents (and the parents had no idea where their darwinian aboration was at 3:00am)
Most of the ones with the socioeconomic problems a tourist will never meet though, the large swathes of communities in South Auckland etc. Extremely high rates of both spouse and child abuse amongst the Polynesian communities do distort the figures somewhat.
Car theft is prevalent but then I think that also reflects on the fact the NZ has one of the highest rates of car usage in the world, public transport is virtually non-existent so the criminals have to steal cars to get around.
Other than the odd burglary and the usual macho stuff that goes on in pubs (still nothing like the carnage in the UK) it's still one of the safest countries in the world.
That's no good George.
Guess I should really lock up my cars at work and home now
One of the nice things of not living north of the Bombays. We have our own problems but they are minimal in comparison. We don't have drive through banks, multi bay car wash's or a Sky tower but I think I'd rather be without them than the "westside" scrotes
I'm definately not a city boy.
Guess I should really lock up my cars at work and home now

One of the nice things of not living north of the Bombays. We have our own problems but they are minimal in comparison. We don't have drive through banks, multi bay car wash's or a Sky tower but I think I'd rather be without them than the "westside" scrotes

George really sorry to hear about your car, you really have had your fair share of bad luck. You need to move into a proprty where cars are not seen but heard is my motto its the only way to go if your a city slicker. Why do you think we live off a no exit street, then off another then up a shared ROW which is privately owned and not public. Not saying we are safe at all but certainly minimises risk.
For sure Kylie, but in my situation beggars can't be choosers.... To be honest, this place is about the best I can do. To be honest, that's why I've got the spacewagon and it surprises me that anyone would bother to take it. Like I said, some scrote was going to steal it and use it the next night to do a few burglaries or something and then dump it... which is a sad indictment of society really. But it served its purpose.... if I'd even had a $5000 run-around I'd have been mega-pissed off, but since it's what it is, I don't really care too much, which is a good thing 

Kylie said:
George really sorry to hear about your car, you really have had your fair share of bad luck. You need to move into a proprty where cars are not seen but heard is my motto its the only way to go if your a city slicker. Why do you think we live off a no exit street, then off another then up a shared ROW which is privately owned and not public. Not saying we are safe at all but certainly minimises risk.
George, you have my sympathy.We lived at the end of a cul-de-sac in sleepy Kapiti but our Impreza still got vandalised - probably drunken youths using a building site as a short-cut. They snapped off the roof aerial and put scratches/dents on wing, bonnet and roof where large road cones had been thrown. Repair quote $1500, even with a used aerial as Subaru wanted $500 for a new one. With an insurance excess of $300 and the prospect of about $200 extra insurance cost on each of our cars this year I wondered whether it was worth claiming at all. Add $450 to repair a door that was dented twice by morons in supermarket car parks and it has left a large hole in my pocket.
I want my next car to have thicker panels that don't dent so easily, does anyone know which makes are better, or where I can get a flame-thrower accessory for the alarm system?
Speaking of Thieving f
king pikeys! . . .
I leave the Westie on it's trailer for 5 minutes down in Taupo while getting a pizza (compulsory night-before-trackday food) and it gets attacked.
Didn't actually notice until the next day (today) when I got BLACK Flagged for dropping fuel on the track.
The thieving
scum had stolen my fuel cap and kicked in my tail right rear indicator.
While spending 2 hours (not at the track) trying to find a suitable replacement I drove passed where I had parked and the little bits of orange plastic were on the road.

I leave the Westie on it's trailer for 5 minutes down in Taupo while getting a pizza (compulsory night-before-trackday food) and it gets attacked.
Didn't actually notice until the next day (today) when I got BLACK Flagged for dropping fuel on the track.
The thieving

While spending 2 hours (not at the track) trying to find a suitable replacement I drove passed where I had parked and the little bits of orange plastic were on the road.

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