Weekend of Loti



Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 8th March 2008
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.... went out for a drive yesterday in the countryside. Didn't really get to put the pedal to the metal much because the road was full of sunday drivers "being cautious" and choosing to drive at 60km/h in perfectly safe 100km/h zones.

I was following Ridhard's (Photochromatic's) 111R out Clevedon way. On the way back we saw a red Esprit V8 heading the other way (Don't THINK it was Dean S, think it was the other one) and back in town I saw that Black 111R Turbo with the silver stripe waiting at an intersection.

I think it's the first day in years when I've spotted more than one Lotus on the road (outside of a club meeting or some such of course).

Fine weather comes and we all crawl out of the woodwork smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Esprit said:
.... went out for a drive yesterday in the countryside. Didn't really get to put the pedal to the metal much . . .
GPS logs or it never happened hehe

Glad you had some fun during day-release from the office. biggrin


4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Hey cool, its great seeing them on the road, they just look so awesome. I often think they look really sexy on the move than staying still, if that makes any sense. Sometimes I just love watching my car get driven you never get to see how it looks on the road otherwise. cloud9
Big car weekend for us. Caught up with Dean S & Karlene yesterday morning to see his Loti and a catchup after I got new decals put on, they look great btw. Then Nik came over to visit in his black Esprit. Caught up with George R (Renn68)and Ang Sat night - awesome people!

Today we had to help organise a Hotrod run through the club to help organise bbq and logistics of 80 cars to park in Herald Island (North West) location. Trying to coordinate hotrod drivers into parking, lets just say its challenging esp when everyone is diving for the shade. The ego some of these people have I would so rather park the jaguar club members at their meets anyday..Lol!!! Anyway got a bit of stick from the rodders saying I have an unusual modern looking hotrod hehe It was not there to stay thank god and I took her home just now to swap for the black hurse to pick up Simon shortly. All in all some nice machinery floating about as expected.
So this was out lurking today and in the shade wink

Edited by Kylie on Sunday 9th March 06:33

iain a

329 posts

238 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Spotted a very pretty Lotus 2 eleven parked up in Abel Smith street in Wellington on Friday. He had the ticket from the parking machine jammed in under the aeroscreen - much as I have to in the 7.


Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Kylie.... now THAT'S better smile looks just like she should now smile Did you get the one on the roof done too? smile

iain a - That's Paul W's 2-Eleven.... I think he probably does more road miles in that thing than most of NZ's Lotus owners put together smile


4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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George, the decal on the top was only put there because Playstation games decided they look good there. From the factory though they were never intended for the roof. So sorry no decal on the roof frown This one below on the door sill as it should be. smile
I was recommended Malcom from who owns TCC Solutions in Penrose (does all the maintfreight trucks etc), very fussy. He wanted to personally put them on for me, pretty stoked and did a top job. The inks they use are also far superior quality than the Lotus originals, so I hope they last well. The colour match etc is perfect. I have some 3M clear tape to fit over the sills to stop shoes rubbing and for the side sill ducts for stone chips. I can apply these myself. Fitting of the blue slashes was an absolute pig. I am so glad I got the pros to do it. Even they said it were hard to get right.

Edited by Kylie on Sunday 9th March 06:35


Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Kylie said:
George, the decal on the top was only put there because Playstation games decided they look good there.
WRONG!!!! I think they look good there too1 wink

Actually I don't have the pic any more, but I've been searching for it, but I had a photo of the original Sport 350 motorshow car and it DEFINITELY had the rooftop decal wink As to whether production cars came with it or not is a moot point, I fell in love with that motorshow car when I saw it and if she were mine, she'd be dressed up to look the same smile

Still, as you've got her now she looks as she should be, which is just plain AWESOME! smile


4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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hehe I got given the UK CAR mag Feb 99 which features the S350 and has the roof decal too, but when you get the words from the horses mouth at Hethel first hand I aint going to debate it biggrin.


344 posts

209 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Correct: the prototype car 000 did have one fitted to the roof and this had nothing to do with Play Station. ALL Sport350 decals were dealer fit and not fitted by the factory!



Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Kylie said:
hehe I got given the UK CAR mag Feb 99 which features the S350 and has the roof decal too, but when you get the words from the horses mouth at Hethel first hand I aint going to debate it biggrin.
Aha! Yeah, I knew they weren't PS only wink But like I said, the motorshow pics were hanging on my wall for a few years when I was 19/20/21 and that was what I dreamed of at night, so that's what I'd have smile

Big Al.

69,187 posts

269 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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OK last few posts have been removed all were deemed to be in breach of the rules of posting in one way or another.

Any further Naming and Shaming and the thread and it will be close.

Now please, play nicely. smile


Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Big Al. said:
OK last few posts have been removed all were deemed to be in breach of the rules of posting in one way or another.

Any further Naming and Shaming and the thread and it will be close.

Now please, play nicely. smile
Agreed. I'm sure such personal issues can be aired privately rather than in public guys, we're all grown ups here (well all but me anyway)


4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Edited by Kylie on Wednesday 12th March 01:36


Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th March 2008
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Kylie said:
Thank you for deleting the last few posts. I am now dealing with threats off line. The stress has got to me and I wont be back for a while.
Well you're always welcome here Kylie, you know that smile Hope it all works out for the best, I'm sure it will! You know where we are if you need us smile


16,014 posts

241 months

Monday 10th March 2008
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yes ^^What he said.



Edited by Big Al. on Monday 10th March 19:00

Ooh never got a binned notice before! I feel like a rebel now hehe

(fair call though I guess)

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 11th March 22:48


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 11th March 2008
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Both parties are happy now Ben.

Back to all things bright and beautiful beer


16,014 posts

241 months

Tuesday 11th March 2008
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Good to hear. When are you bringing 'Memphis' ( wink ) down for a tour of the South Island? You know you want to...

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 12th March 2008
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GravelBen said:
. . . Good to hear. When are you bringing 'Memphis' . . .
Are you looking for further sanctions ? tongue out

I'm too scared to spectate at the Lotus day at Puke for fear of the tongue lashing I'll get for starting the 'Mcensoreds' fiasco. hehe


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 12th March 2008
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hehe Ben I really do want to bring it down, its the ultimate touring car, honestly it is quite user friendly. It would just love those empty roads down central (the sealed ones that is wink ). Mum and Dad are coming up from Timaru in May, Dads very eager to check it over, so be interesting what he says about this one. I got to get the rust remover out and crank up the polishing wheel to wet his appetite being the anal fuss pot he is.

Graham would be cool if you did come out, I havnt seen ya in ages. Dont expect record breaking laps from me though, im a V8 track virgin and taking it easy.
Cars getting a tickle up at Kens on Sat wink