Porsche parts source


Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Sunday 2nd March 2008
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We need a few bits for our Targa 944 including front discs - a local independent supplier Parts Plus has just quoted me $185+GST each for aftermarket ones. The exact same item can be bought in the US for US$48! rolleyes

I know we have some Porkista types here.... any tips on where to go for reasonably priced parts? The other option is importing from the US but shipping costs take a chunk out of the business case.


281 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Save yourself time, money and sanity in this case by using the genuine part. Genuine Porsche rotors are the way to go for competition stuff - they last longer, are more thermally stable, less prone to hot-spotting. Zimmerman are often quoted as 'OE' rotors but don't measure up against the Porsche ones. There are other areas were savings can be made by using aftermarket parts but brake rotors isn't one of them - sorry, probably not what you wanted to hear.

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Thanks Renn, No apology necessary & appreciate that's experience talking...

So that'll be $250+GST x 2 for the Porsche parts from Team European then...


4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Hey on the whole that sounds a bargain price to me, I assume the 944's came with std ventillated non slotted/drilled discs?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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I agree with RENN68 and have heard the same about OEM vs Zimmerman. I personally used JP at Powerhaus when I had the Porkers and Parts Plus for parts. The other option is Paul Hanson at Autobahn in Levin. They are a Porsche dismantler and he is responsible for the creation of the Team Yellow cars seen in the Bridgestone Series. Probably a worthwhile contact seeing as you have a 44. His website is http://www.autobahn.co.nz/

I also used the guys at http://www.europacific.co.nz/ Generally speaking almost all my parts came from Parts Plus however some things were sourced cheaper through Europacific so it does pay to shop around and keep them honest. For some stuff it does pay to buy offshore as the markup is often double however you need to consider urgency, freight, refunds etc. I brought a 993RS wheel from Gert in Belgium for half the retail at Porsche NZ and that included freight etc! The bonus is when you don't get charged tax smile

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Kylie said:
I assume the 944's came with std ventillated non slotted/drilled discs?
yes That's what's on it now and believe that's per standard spec.


281 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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no worries - only x2 - such confidence not requiring spares biggrin

I've got a good relationship with Conti's in Auckland and they put together a 'care' package (rotors, belts, gaskets, bushes, leads etc)and we only need to pay for stuff we use.

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Don't mistake confidence for budget-inspired optimism. wink

Care package for the Targa events sounds like a good idea - will look into that.


281 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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The Powerhaus boys (Big Reuben and Mini-me) are Targa regulars supporting Merhts and the GT3 boys - and good people to know if things go pear-shaped. Helped us out with a mates '44 while they we're waiting around.

Have you paid your entry yet?

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Yep - paid up as of last week for Rotorua and the main event. Our aim this year is just to finish and hopefully post some times we're happy with relative to others in our class. What we're learning about this car is although it doesn't have a lot of grunt (2.5 NA) it can carry a lot of speed through corners so we really need to spend time driving it and learning the limits somewhere forgiving if we want to get the best out of it.

Will you be at Rotorua?


281 posts

227 months

Monday 3rd March 2008
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Thats the plan - we'll just be taking it gently as the body is still healing from surgery.