Private Rd Speed Limits

Private Rd Speed Limits



Original Poster:

571 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
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Hey guys, just got a quick Q.

Can the Police enforce the speed limit on a Private Road?

Dont worry, I havent been nabbed, I was just blatting along the Tekapo-Pukaki Hydro Canal yesterday.
It is signed as a Private Rd by Meridian (use at own risk, blah, blah, blah) and has a posted speed limit of 70.
I've never seen a cop along these roads, but started wondering, what if.

Anyone able to fill me in??


16,014 posts

241 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
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Hmmm, not sure about speed limits but I'm pretty sure they can enforce careless use, dangerous driving etc on anything they define a 'road' which seems to include wherever you can get a car, private or not. Carparks, beaches, paddocks etc are apparently all fair game.

PS I've never seen a cop along the canals either.

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 26th February 20:11


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
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GravelBen said:
Hmmm, not sure about speed limits but I'm pretty sure they can enforce careless use, dangerous driving etc on anything they define a 'road' which seems to include wherever you can get a car, private or not. Carparks, beaches, paddocks etc are apparently all fair game.

PS I've never seen a cop along the canals either.

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 26th February 20:11
Beaches are slightly different, they're actually legally considered a public highway, so all the road rules apply.

Way I see it, a racetrack is nothing other than a short loop of private highway. Although if the owner of the private road specifies a 70 limit and you're caught doing 100 then I guess the Police can enforce on behalf of the owner? If there's no posted speed limit though, I reckon you'd be sweet smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Racetracks are not 'roads' because they cannot be accessed 'directly' from a public road (multiple gates that are normally closed etc).

A private road can have all the normal traffic enforcement applied to it if it is deemd to be a road by virtue of the way it can be accessed. A supermarket carpark is also a 'road'. A 'private property' sign is insufficient to prevent it being deemed to be a 'road'.

However the speed restrictions placed on it by the owner have no legal effect as far as legal speed is concerned and only the 100 km/h applies. This of course still leaves options of careless/dangerous driving and tresspass etc.

There are also special rules relating to traffic enforcement on types of crown land such as military bases.


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Good point Graham...

But if I got to Pukekohe on most days, I can just drive down to and onto the track, the gates are often open during the day. Now, while this might piss the owners off, surely this still remains the same. Eergo if there was a gated private road, and the gate was open... you still can't get done for speeding?

Oh and I definitely like that, I now know that the legal speed limit in a Supermarket carpark is 100km/h.... sounds like a challenge to me! wink


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Talking about Puke, I got the regs via email yesterday for the 30th. Yeeeehaaah. V8 track day virgin so it seems biggrin

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Esprit said:
Oh and I definitely like that, I now know that the legal speed limit in a Supermarket carpark is 100km/h.... sounds like a challenge to me! wink
Sorry should probably point out that there is some confusing caselaw about the posted limit on the public road you left to enter the private land. So for most supermarket carparks you might actually get done for exceeding 50 km/h.

I would probably expect that unless the pit-crossing gate is closed at Pukekohe that a 100 km/h limit would apply to the track tongue out

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Kylie said:
Talking about Puke, I got the regs via email yesterday for the 30th. Yeeeehaaah. V8 track day virgin so it seems biggrin
Careful over the hill. driving

Not sure if I'll be able to spectate . . . BIG proposal (of the work kind)being worked on at the moment.


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
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Oh well see if you can come anyway, be nice to see you. Perhaps drive out together?
I will be taking car pretty slow, the Pirellis are hard as rocks, used to my competition stickies to make up for driver errors going in too hot on bends frown Oh well be good to just get some straight line grunt action ive been looking forward to anyway.