Lower North Island Meet?

Lower North Island Meet?



Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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To the best of my knowledge theres never been a NZ Pistonheads meet outside of Auckland.

Seems theres a few of us in Wellington or somewhere near to it.

Before summer decides to leave again is there any interest in a small meet one weekend?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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I'd be keen.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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wink If you're going to have a meet there needs to be a really good cafe along the way for a feed and a decent coffee


1,163 posts

210 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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What about half way between Auck & Well?
Taupo, New Plymouth, etc. Brunch, back by tea?
Not sure what the roads are like for those coming from Well as I havent been down that far.

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Tuesday 22nd January 2008
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kjl996 said:
What about half way between Auck & Well?
Taupo, New Plymouth, etc. Brunch, back by tea?
Not sure what the roads are like for those coming from Well as I havent been down that far.
That sounds o.k to me. Go Karts at Taupo biggrin


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Maybe organise it around a track day at Taupo since a few people might be there anyway? Are there any coming up?


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Bull1t said:
Maybe organise it around a track day at Taupo since a few people might be there anyway? Are there any coming up?
This Friday biggrin

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Bull1t said:
Maybe organise it around a track day at Taupo since a few people might be there anyway? Are there any coming up?
Yeah thanks I'll bring the Serena frown

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Bull1t said:
Maybe organise it around a track day at Taupo since a few people might be there anyway? Are there any coming up?
I missed a booking for Feb 6 so my next one will probably be Monday 17th March which will be Track 2 at Taupo (just the new bit)


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Kiwi Carguy said:
Bull1t said:
Maybe organise it around a track day at Taupo since a few people might be there anyway? Are there any coming up?
Yeah thanks I'll bring the Serena frown
Itll still be faster than the MG. tongue out I wont be entering one, just thinking for those who are, plus its something to watch.

Maybe something slightly more local?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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It's fine. I'm happy for where ever. I'll probably try and borrow something tasty for the day anyway smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Kiwi Carguy said:
. . . I'll probably try and borrow something tasty for the day anyway smile
Like a Ferrari ?


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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So its only James and I that are interested then?

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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Bull1t said:
So its only James and I that are interested then?
I'd be keen if the date/time works out - Taupo is a bit far for a day trip though so something a bit more local would be my preference. Maybe over the Rimutakas to Ngawi or Castlepoint?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Wednesday 30th January 2008
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I'm happy for where ever. Time and day should be fine.