Just for George



Original Poster:

221 posts

251 months

Thursday 17th January 2008
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1977 4500 cc Rover V8, Cosworth pistons and rods, new Custom Heads by Bygone Autos, Dry Sump, Motec Fuel Injection. New shell from California. Bodywork and rollcage by Race FX. This car has not been raced since complete rebuild. Over $130k spent on this car. Registration on hold. Estimated 350hp.

See Comment from Morris of Stag Spares from previous auction:
Hi Brett, the engine is worth more than the current bid. The engine is $20k to build from scratch. Come on guys dig way deeper that that! I wouldn't sell my TR8 for less than 40k. This car is a 1.08 sec pukekohe car. thats why it cost 130k to build. regards Morris posted by: stag4x4 (37 ) 4:12 pm, Wed 26 Dec

Previous Auction Question:
what times could you do around pukekohie race track?..i also would be interested in the quarter mile time?. just to get an indication of the cars performance. posted by: bman21 (9 ) 9:33 pm, Sat 8 Dec
previous owner was doing 108s around pukekohe before complete rebuild should be quicker now .0 to 60 i would estimate under 5 seconds, 1/4 mile probably 13 seconds, i have done 140mph down back straight by 2/3 of length, car will wheelspin in 3rd 12:54 pm, Mon 10 Dec


16,014 posts

241 months

Thursday 17th January 2008
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Could be an entertaining Targa weapon wink welcome to oversteer city eek



823 posts

295 months

Thursday 17th January 2008
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$20k would be relatively cheap if it is making a genuine 350bhp - that certainly wouldn't include the motec though!