My $12,150 bet on George

My $12,150 bet on George



Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Friday 11th January 2008
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Well the trademe auction just closed and based on a few photos and Georges inspection (thanks George beer) Ive just bought this...

Sounds like a lot of money for a Midget but this is a one owner one and appears to be conditioned accordingly. Have a look at the pics and youll see for yourself.

Hoping to fly up next weekend and bring it back.


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 11th January 2008
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CONGRATULATIONS looks a treat!!!

A bit of pressure there George wink You will have to make sure your skin dosent touch those black seats on a hot day!! ooouuchh!

Look forward to hearing from your first test drive driving

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Friday 11th January 2008
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Very cute! There was one of these at Waiuku in November with glass panels and a much modified 3sge under the bonnet, vrrroooom! sorry, did I say that out loud?

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 12th January 2008
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Bull1t said:
Sounds like a lot of money for a Midget but this is a one owner one and appears to be conditioned accordingly. Have a look at the pics and youll see for yourself.
A metal AA badge is a bit of a hint wink


823 posts

295 months

Sunday 13th January 2008
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Very nice.


16,014 posts

241 months

Monday 14th January 2008
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thumbup Should be good fun smile


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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Thought I should update this after picking it up last weekend.

Overall the car isnt quite as mint as Id hoped but its still a nice car so Im happy.

Its really fun to drive, I should have got one ages ago.

Suspect itll still end up costing me a fair amount of money before Im happy with it. Its annoying being a perfectionist some times nuts

Heres some more photos


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Saturday 21st June 2008
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Proved that a Midget can be practicalwink (Excuse how dirty it is)