uk flights to nz
we are going to visit in november and wondered how to cut down on the dreaded jet lag and also the sheer time in the airplane. is it best to stop over a couple of days somewhere like singapore or hawaii or just have a few hours on the ground? i hate air travel but really want to visit nz. thank you.
If it's just me flying I like to just get there but if I've got the family a stop-over on the way out (at least) is usually a very good idea. It's a horrible journey at the best of times and the opportunity to sleep in a bed, have a nice hot shower and a decent meal is usually well received by all. If you've got the time and the money to stop-over for a few days somewhere nice though, why not? You can usually get some very good deals doing this.
However, if you are flying business class or are lucky enough to get a whole centre aisle to yourself for one or both legs of the journey then it's a lot easier to cope with.
However, if you are flying business class or are lucky enough to get a whole centre aisle to yourself for one or both legs of the journey then it's a lot easier to cope with.
What Jamie said. I'd only add that when doing the trip by myself strong valium makes the plane journey a lot quicker/mellower.
I always use Singapore - their airmiles are pretty good and they do a stopover deal where if you stop in Singapore they give you huge discounts on hotels, meals, transport, tourist attractions, etc. Check out their website.
I always use Singapore - their airmiles are pretty good and they do a stopover deal where if you stop in Singapore they give you huge discounts on hotels, meals, transport, tourist attractions, etc. Check out their website.
You need 2 weeks here minimum, 3 + is better. if you have more time than 3 weeks have a few days stop over in Singapore or HK or something, not sure it'll help with jetlag.
IMO try and sleep on the plane if you can, doesnt matter when. Fly Air Singapore via Chiangi and if you have 5-6+ hours or more stop over (usualy 8 or more) prebook their transit hotel for a 6 hour slot, well worth it to dump bags, have a shower and get a few hours kip, they also do free bus trips out etc.
Then when you get to NZ do all you can to keep going untill early evening before sleeping. Usualy takes a couple of days to get over whatever, so dont plan too much for the first day or two. If your driving here its fairly easy to bnavigate, roads are very similar (RHD etc) only the stupid right turn rule (and parking rule) is likely to catch you out.
IMO try and sleep on the plane if you can, doesnt matter when. Fly Air Singapore via Chiangi and if you have 5-6+ hours or more stop over (usualy 8 or more) prebook their transit hotel for a 6 hour slot, well worth it to dump bags, have a shower and get a few hours kip, they also do free bus trips out etc.
Then when you get to NZ do all you can to keep going untill early evening before sleeping. Usualy takes a couple of days to get over whatever, so dont plan too much for the first day or two. If your driving here its fairly easy to bnavigate, roads are very similar (RHD etc) only the stupid right turn rule (and parking rule) is likely to catch you out.
I've done this flight more times than I'd care to remember. A stop-over is definitely worth it if you have the time. Do not go via the U.S esp. if going non-stop, you'll end up in a hot sweaty room with 300 passengers, 2 chairs and broken drinks machine... Singapore is nice for a break even if it's just to change planes.
You'll want at least 3 weeks and Dec/Jan/Feb is much better from a weather point of view. If you're really cunning you're hire a rental car from a company whose contract doesn't mention circuits. That way you can do a couple of cheap track days
You'll want at least 3 weeks and Dec/Jan/Feb is much better from a weather point of view. If you're really cunning you're hire a rental car from a company whose contract doesn't mention circuits. That way you can do a couple of cheap track days

Done the trip several times. A night's stopover in Singapore or Hong Kong is well worth it to rehydrate, stretch, sleep, and have a good meal. Avoid flying via LA. LAX is a shithole and it is NOT fun clearing immigration when you arrive or transit or dealing with the security bllox on the way out. Hawaii is a further five hours from LA (plus transit time) and you'll have to clear customs and immigration at LAX unless Honolulu is your final destination on the first leg of the trip. The jet lag is unavoidable but try ProPlus as an upper and melatonin tablets as a downer half an hour before you go to bed in NZ. Don't drive for a day or two after arriving. Taxis only!
Edited by audidoody on Friday 11th January 22:13
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