This time two years ago...

This time two years ago...


Simpo Two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Monday 24th December 2007
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...I was 80 minutes away from landing at Auckland airport, to start my month's jolly of a lifetime.

I'm still thinking fondly of the nice warm Bay of Islands and the hospitality I found from Cape Reinga down to Ulva Island. You are lucky buggers!

Some of my favourite pix are at

Have a great Kiwi Christmas on your decks!


256 posts

260 months

Tuesday 25th December 2007
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Hi Simpo - some excellent pictures there. Unfortunately the only thing you'll get on my deck at the moment is very very wet! Rain is currently horizontal! Merry Christmas!


16,014 posts

241 months

Tuesday 25th December 2007
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Nice hot and sunny down this end of the country beerbeer

nice shots too thumbup


39,846 posts

280 months

Tuesday 25th December 2007
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Whilst your battery was draining itself away on my driveway hehe

2 years ago eh? Blimey - time flies WAY too quick!


Simpo Two

Original Poster:

88,011 posts

276 months

Tuesday 25th December 2007
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Kinky said:
Whilst your battery was draining itself away on my driveway hehe
Aye, you'd think for the rent the landlord would have fixed it!

Kinky said:
2 years ago eh? Blimey - time flies WAY too quick!
I know, scary isn't it? I'm sure years only have 200 days in them now. (Anyway, what are you doing over here or are you stalking me?!)