Radar Detectors to be banned

Radar Detectors to be banned


Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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Had to stop the car. banghead

Apparently the new traffic legislation/regulations will:
- Reduce fines
- Increase demerits
- Ban radar detectors

Probably won't do any good but the select committee will be getting a flea in the ear from me ranting

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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It's not even April 1 !


16,014 posts

241 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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I wonder how the speed-kills brigade justify banning something which frequently encourages drivers to slow down? Surely every false alarm is a saved life because it made them slow down...

I heard a comment from some police high-up recently complaining about how too many people must be ignoring the anti-speed etc campaigns because the road toll is going up. Didn't seem to realise that obeying policies doesn't actually help when if the policies are sh!t.


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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WHAT?!?!?! When is this coming in? Submissions? on what grounds are they banning them? Surely there has to be just cause to ban them.... as in showing there's a direct link to causing road deaths?

One thing's for sure... there's no wau I'll be taking mine down... they can prise it from my cold, dead hands.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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You really must be ill for it to have taken that long to go yikesmadranting

tongue out


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
You really must be ill for it to have taken that long to go yikesmadranting

tongue out
Lurgie from hell man... still, buggering the consequences and am doing to do a high-speed dawn mission to the Hawkes Bay.... roads should be nice and empty at 4am tomorrow smile.... and yes, my V1 will VERY DEFINITELY be on duty wink

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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Up our way there will be some early morning booze-buses to try and catch people driving home from the night before . . . take it easy with that green tea & gingerbeer (or whatever it was)


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Up our way there will be some early morning booze-buses to try and catch people driving home from the night before . . . take it easy with that green tea & gingerbeer (or whatever it was)
Heh... well it's not like I'll be drinking... although the breathalysers will probably pick up my cough syrup :P


133 posts

286 months

Friday 21st December 2007
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So the government thinks they can ban detection devices?
After all, its only a detection device, a radio, not something that can be used as a weapon against them.
Its just a matter then of being clever with the installation and use of them. Probably you will find the market change to the 'hidden' variety with a detachable horn able to be mounted remotely somewhere on the front of the car. How silly is Mr Dyhoven or whatever his name is?
I would see the users of such devices as more alert, and vigilant on the road. Its not about using the detector as means to break the law. Moreso as a reminder you to check your speed in the presence of a copper.
How many times has your speed 'snuck up' on you when you're out on the open road, or perhaps passing someone? It would be nice to know you can use 'your' discrection on the use of a detector than the non-discretion of some uniformed human convinced hes just lowered the road toll.

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 22nd December 2007
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The point I'm surprised no-one has made is that this is surely conclusive evidence that this is about revenue gathering alone, nothing to do with road safety. Detectors result in a potential fine missed. I don't think they like that


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 22nd December 2007
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Roger A said:
The point I'm surprised no-one has made is that this is surely conclusive evidence that this is about revenue gathering alone, nothing to do with road safety. Detectors result in a potential fine missed. I don't think they like that
I don't think it's missed, so much as implied, we're all just too cynical to mention it.

I believe there's an article floating around somewhere that conclusively shows that drivers who use detectors (more by vitrue of the TYPE of people that use them, more than the direct act of the detector themselves, but that's irrelevant) are only half as likely to be involved in an accident as someone who doesn't use a detector.... surely this evidence needs to be publically tabled so as to show New Zealand how Mr. Duynhoven is actively trying to make our roads a MORE DANGEROUS place to be.

On an aside, I got my first fine today! (so proud!) $200 for "Not displaying licence plate", strange because the stick-on one I've got on the front looks a lot like a licence plate to me.... going to argue this one and will go to court if necessary. Motorcycles don't need to display a front plate because there's no logical plate to put them..... given that there are some cars that have the same problem, then surely there needs to be exemptions? I can mount a plate on my car.... over the radiator opening, which means my car overheats, and on the front lip, which means it'll last all of 10 seconds before ripping off on the first driveway I choose to enter.

Going to make sure that it costs the government WAY more than $200 to recover the money from me... civil disobedience FTMFW

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 22nd December 2007
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I believe Trade Plates only go on the rear as well.


488 posts

231 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Esprit - welcome to the club (that's the one where you fight every ticket). Do it the right way and even if you end up being found guilty in court the process can be stretched out for at least a couple of years. First things first - do NOTHING until you get a Reminder Notice. Reply to this as follows, "Without a copy of the original ticket a hearing is requested". If the ticket is from the Police send it two days before the due date (ie write within 28 days exactly as the paperworks says). If the ticket is from the council ensure the reply is at the last possible moment.

When you finally get an answer to this (2 1/2 to 3 months) post here again - and I'll tell you what to do next.

Just had a $50 cheque from the local council for costs awarded to me in the High Court over a pay and display ticket - what a good feeling - especially as it probably cost the council a couple of thousand to argue their case.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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I'd be inclined to use every possible legal mechanism to win the case WITHOUT taking any further steps that achieve nothing other than confirming you're a petulant prick.

I've been in court often enough to know that judges are human and don't like that kind of censoreding around. Every so often when they get the sense that's happening they judge get a chance to slap someone down and it's not usually pretty.


2,508 posts

295 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Esprit, did a cop pull you over? If so did you debate it with him, or was there no opportunity?

Good luck in sorting it.


256 posts

260 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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jaybkay said:
Just had a $50 cheque from the local council for costs awarded to me in the High Court over a pay and display ticket - what a good feeling - especially as it probably cost the council a couple of thousand to argue their case.
Great, so you're the reason my rates keep going up. Cheers pal.


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Whitey said:
Esprit, did a cop pull you over? If so did you debate it with him, or was there no opportunity?

Good luck in sorting it.
Oh I debated it with the little lesbianazi bitch, but her argument when I put my case to her was "I can see your point (about there being no practical place to mount the plate) but I give out tickets to all the little boyraers with piece-of-shit cars with no front bumpers to put plates on, so I'm obliged to give you one as well.

When I suggested to her that as an officer of the law she has the discretion to make judgement calls on such things, just as we're told they do when it comes to the "discretionary" 10km/h speeding tolerance and the anti-smacking bill, she just gave me the "your car doesn't comply with the law and I'm here to enforce it" line, at which point I decided arguing was going to get me nowhere so I thanked her, accepted the ticket and decided I'd be on my way.

I've no intention to leave everything to the last minute YET. While I want to be as obstructive as I can, I've not really leant on the law yet. I'm in the process of writing a very well structured letter to the enforcement authority as to why I believe an exception should be made in my case. If they deem that I still must pay the fine then I'll state that I'd like to know how to elevate the matter to the next level (challenging the fine in court etc). There's every chance that I can still talk my way out of this one, and I'll try my luck there.

If they deny me and I'm "in the system" so to speak THEN I'll be slowing it down. By virtue of the fact that we all know the wheels of justice in NZ barely turn and a speedy resolution won't be forthcoming, the mechanism of slowing it down won't be my obstinance but the "due process" of a legal system that barely functions.


2,508 posts

295 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Esprit said:
Whitey said:
Esprit, did a cop pull you over? If so did you debate it with him, or was there no opportunity?

Good luck in sorting it.
lesbianazi bitch
How do you pronouce the first part of that? smile

At least it's just cash and not demerit points on your licence like here in the UK where points are thrown at you for practically every motoring offence.

Good luck in sorting it, do e-type jags in NZ have stick on front plates? If so, then so should yours.


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 24th December 2007
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Indeed we do run a stick-on plate on the E-type, although this too is just as illegal as my plate, we've just never been pulled up for it yet... my case will be an interesting test-case should MADD E ever be deemed similarly illegal.


488 posts

231 months

Tuesday 25th December 2007
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I've no intention to leave everything to the last minute YET. While I want to be as obstructive as I can, I've not really leant on the law yet. I'm in the process of writing a very well structured letter to the enforcement authority as to why I believe an exception should be made in my case. If they deem that I still must pay the fine then I'll state that I'd like to know how to elevate the matter to the next level (challenging the fine in court etc). There's every chance that I can still talk my way out of this one, and I'll try my luck there.

I would save your efforts for later. If you do write the only response you will get will be along the lines of "after careful consideration you still have to pay the infringement fee".

The Police will lie and cheat to avoid a court hearing, so let them make all the mistakes. As I said before you have a lot more options by replying to the Reminder Notice just in time like this "without a copy of the original ticket a hearing is requested". Do things the right way and it could be a year before this even gets into court, plenty of time for the police to get it all wrong.