Merry xmas everyone!!
Have a merry xmas and happy new year everyone
!! Be safe on the roads and watch the booze while
What is everyone up to?
We are off to Timavegas tom to spend most time with family and friends. Am heading down to Clyde for New Years

. If your near by pop in and say hello. We are in the main street based at a little white cottage, a new black Holden SS should be parked out side or in the drive
We wont be far away!!
Have a good one

What is everyone up to?
We are off to Timavegas tom to spend most time with family and friends. Am heading down to Clyde for New Years

Have a good one
Merry Christmas Kylie, and other fellow PetrolHeads.
I'll be staying off the road this year, I have a house to renovate and get on the market.
Have to spend some time in the workshop as well, the Lotty spat the dummy in the clutch department! Not to mention more work on the Lambo and the V12 mini project has begun as well!
Cheers All.
I'll be staying off the road this year, I have a house to renovate and get on the market.
Have to spend some time in the workshop as well, the Lotty spat the dummy in the clutch department! Not to mention more work on the Lambo and the V12 mini project has begun as well!
Cheers All.

Merry Christmas all (and commiserations to Tim - not a nice xmas present!)
I'm heading for the hills this weekend, then back to Timaru for a quiet-ish family Christmas, not sure what I'll be doing for new years yet. Have to be in Gore on the 3rd for a mates wedding on the 5th, then probably leave civilisation for the week after that before going back to work again. No doubt I'll find plenty to keep me entertained
I'm heading for the hills this weekend, then back to Timaru for a quiet-ish family Christmas, not sure what I'll be doing for new years yet. Have to be in Gore on the 3rd for a mates wedding on the 5th, then probably leave civilisation for the week after that before going back to work again. No doubt I'll find plenty to keep me entertained

Sssshhhh. I'll be taking all my family for a secret surprise trip to the Zion Wildlife Park for a special 'Cub Encounter' and get to cuddle some white tiger cubs

A little pricey but who cares . . . WHITE TIGER CUBS !!!

Convincing the niece & nephew they can't take the cubs home might be a mission.

Drive safely everyone

Bed news Tim,
I'm afraid I don't fear too much better... I was looking forward to a week off over Christmas , taking the Exige down country on a jaunt to spend with the folks in the lap of luxury and take the E-type for a bit of a fang over some nice roads..... Probably the only break I'll get for a while because of project insanity at work... last week I've been suffering from bronchitis, which I've managed to work through... only now it's turned into a full blown flu virus.... at the moment I'm too sick to leave my bedroom so it looks like that's where I'll be staying over Christmas..... bugger
I'm afraid I don't fear too much better... I was looking forward to a week off over Christmas , taking the Exige down country on a jaunt to spend with the folks in the lap of luxury and take the E-type for a bit of a fang over some nice roads..... Probably the only break I'll get for a while because of project insanity at work... last week I've been suffering from bronchitis, which I've managed to work through... only now it's turned into a full blown flu virus.... at the moment I'm too sick to leave my bedroom so it looks like that's where I'll be staying over Christmas..... bugger

BruceNZ said:
Merry Christmas Kylie, and other fellow PetrolHeads.
I'll be staying off the road this year, I have a house to renovate and get on the market.
Have to spend some time in the workshop as well, the Lotty spat the dummy in the clutch department! Not to mention more work on the Lambo and the V12 mini project has begun as well!
Cheers All.
Wow you sound rather busy!! Love to see some of the other toys one day I'll be staying off the road this year, I have a house to renovate and get on the market.
Have to spend some time in the workshop as well, the Lotty spat the dummy in the clutch department! Not to mention more work on the Lambo and the V12 mini project has begun as well!
Cheers All.

Must be nice knowing you own arguably NZ's nicest 89 EspritSE even if the clutch has decided to call it a day

Kiwi XTR2 said:

Sssshhhh. I'll be taking all my family for a secret surprise trip to the Zion Wildlife Park for a special 'Cub Encounter' and get to cuddle some white tiger cubs

A little pricey but who cares . . . WHITE TIGER CUBS !!!

Convincing the niece & nephew they can't take the cubs home might be a mission.

Drive safely everyone

jamieheasman said:
It can't be that bad George - you can still type. Do the right thing and chuck some booze down your neck - it's the only way you're going to feel better!
Hehe booze, ephedrines and antibiotics don't mix... especially when I'm a lightweight to begin with. I am however drinking tea and ginger beer .... mmm 
Will be in one of the new places next to the cadrona pub till the 2nd. May pop in and say hi Kylie. Otherwise Chch 3rd - 7th with track day on the 7th then around Auckland 8th - 12th for Huntly wedding will finally get to meet my race alfa....which has been hiding in Waiuku.
Will try and give you a call when I'm up George.
Merry Xmas and now is the time to take that back road....Drive safe.
Will try and give you a call when I'm up George.
Merry Xmas and now is the time to take that back road....Drive safe.
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