Elise S1 hardtops



Original Poster:

23 posts

237 months

Tuesday 18th December 2007
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My softtop after 5 English and 2 New Zealand winters outside, and never really been folded correctly is finally falling to pieces.

I was looking at a replacement, but I always seem to pickup more websites for hardtops, and well, it's so tempting to get one instead. I could use my broken softtop like a the Elise spare wheel solution, i.e. "just enough to get somewhere" tongue out

So, is the official hardtop the best choice as I assume it can be colour matched and no issue with fitting? Or, something like that found on elise parts for 881quid?
Found some other ones but they 500quid more.

The hardtop is for a 1999 111S.

Any experiences out there?


Edited by Spekdah-S2K on Tuesday 18th December 23:56

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 19th December 2007
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Would SELOC be a good place for info on that?


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 19th December 2007
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Hi Scott ask iwilson here hes just imported a hard top for his Elise perhaps he can tel you more about the quality and what it takes to get here etc etc, although not sure what he has now 111R or S1 honda converted thingme jingy biggrin


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 19th December 2007
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Welcome back Scot, been a long time since I've seen or heard from you!

I SEEM to remember that Dean Harper had one sitting in at Ken's unpainted and unused. Might be worth ringing Ken at KW Historics and see if it's still sitting in there. I seem to remember seeing one hanging on the wall for ages there, may still be there.


Original Poster:

23 posts

237 months

Wednesday 19th December 2007
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Thanks ppl. Yeah I will call Ken, I was getting a quote for a softtop.
Been doing house renovations, well about to start them, and still managed to own the car without the wife wanting to sell it :-)

We will see how the bigger grab from the kitty goes ...