Targa toy


Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th December 2007
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Tomorrow afternoon I'm flying north and coming back in Iaiin A and my new toy (half shares):

Hopefully the stickers will peel off before hitting the road for Welly... biggrin

Edited by Ffirg 005 on Thursday 13th December 23:55


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 14th December 2007
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Ooh! You'll be using it to race in Targa?

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Friday 14th December 2007
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That's the idea, though we haven't made any specific plans yet. Also keen to get it out to Manfeild for sprints, Intermarques, etc. It's had some class stage wins in past Targas but with the standard 2.5 non-turbo lump its all about the handling rather than power (unlike the LS Cerbera project which is still slowly moving forward). Previous owner spent a lot of time setting it up and its apparently very good round corners now with poly bushes, Koni adjustables, and lowered to 85mm.


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 14th December 2007
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I'd imagine that RENN68 on here will be a mine of information to you, what he's not done to that 968 of his can't be done smile


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 14th December 2007
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Great toy - wow!!! God you are soo going to love that!!! Unfortunately George R has been extremely ill over the last few months hence no posting for a while. I wont go into details as I feel as though he can tell you if he wishes, he is recovering well though smile. George still has his beautiful 944 he raced doing the targa and other events. So am sure he would put you in the right direction.

All the best and let us know how it goes smile


281 posts

227 months

Sunday 16th December 2007
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The ex-Gary Murphy car; bet you got it for a song.

The '44's have nice balance with no nasty handling traits - you'll be learning all about carrying corner speed biggrin

Motors are pretty strong - oiling to #2 bearing can be an issue if you let the oil level get down, I always run near full and top up regularly. Timing and balance shaft belts should be a regular maintenance item for both tension and phase (if the balance shafts skip teeth all sorts of ugly things can happen if not addressed.

Not much more power to be had out of the motor - speed is in the suspension setup wink


Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Sunday 16th December 2007
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He'd been trying to sell it for a year at least so we managed a bit of negotiation, probably could have squeezed a bit more but once you divide the costs between two it's pretty cheap fun by any measure.

Thanks for the care tips - oil level was about 2/3 between the min/max level for the trip down but will make sure it's kept topped up. I've got a lot to learn about carrying speed with low HP having spent most of my (limited) track time in TVRs - I'm expecting Iain's karting / Caterham experience will mean I'll be chasing his lap times for the foreseeable future.

It's apparently good for 1:15 at Puke in Gary's hands. Any suggestions on what we should be targeting at Manfeild?


281 posts

227 months

Monday 17th December 2007
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Should be able to get better that 15's at Puke - not sure about Manfield times for a 2.5 944 but Paul Hansen at Autobahn in Levin www.autobahn.co.nz (06) 367 0740 will be able to help - Paul races Bridgestone and built the Team Yellow 944S2's. Another contact is Dave Thorneycroft at TSV Suspensions in Palmy www.tsv.co.nz (06) 355 4242. Dave has put together some nice 944 Koni packages for track and targa.

Look forward to seeing you guys in the paddock for Targa Rotorua next year

iain a

329 posts

238 months

Wednesday 19th December 2007
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Greeting chaps and thanks for the encouragement. I'm hoping for some fun compertiton in the 944. I did the Targa Narva tour in '06 and that started an itch that just had to be scratched.
If you had told me 20 years ago that I'd have a Porsche race car at some point I'm sure I wouldn't have believed you, but here we are. Thanks Don for helping turn the idea into reality.
Now it is time to get on with the work of getting the compertiton license upgraded, the car checked by Motorsport NZ etc and then learning how to drive it... It will be very different to the Kart, Caterham and Stag.
Yes the stickers have gone now - obviously exposing a few carefully covered dings and scratches - Never mind I'm sure we will be adding a few more.
See you in Rotorua RENN68 - keep the advice coming!
