importing cosworth from uk to nz.

importing cosworth from uk to nz.



Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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I am currently looking into the possibility of emigrating to New Zealand.I would like to bring my Ford Escort RS Cosworth over.Does anybody have any knowledge of how much it is likely to cost? The vehicle has been modified, would this causes any particular problems regarding any inspections etc in NZ? The Cossie would be getting brought over from the uk. thanks.


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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I think you'll struggle.

It doesnt fit into the classic import rules (front impact) will be excluded in the new emisions import rules (2002 on/euro III or something).

Only possibility is with the new front impact waiver rules that allow 50(?) exemptions a year for classics or unique cars I think.


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Yeah, sadly he's right, it won't meet frontal impact or emissions restrictions here until it's >20 years old.

They were talking about having special dispensation for immigrants bringing their cars over, but don't think this has eventuated.

It's a shame because Cossies are worth their weight in gold over here... rare as the proverbial fowl's molars.


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Cheers Rob, it would be a shame to sell it.I have owned the Cossie for nearly 13 years now, its like a member of the family.I have only seen one Escort Cosworth for sale so far in NZ.It,s early days i suppose we will just see how i get on with the potential move first.Shame theres some cracking roads over there!!

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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There are potentially a number of issues - like frontal impact testing compliance, and the modifications will need to be certified. Not sure if the new emissions laws are relevant for you also. There are a number of Cossies here but they may have all come in before the rules changed.

Here's a starting point to do some digging -

Once you've done your research and think you know what the situatio is I'd suggest you get your understanding of the applicable rules confirmed by email or letter with LTNZ before you commit to importing. Feel free to post back here with any specific questions, hope you manage to get her in!



Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Lads, how about plan b? just a thought but where would i stand if i were to bring a cossie engine/drivetrain from a bumped cossie and carried out a transplant on an old street sleeper over there.would that work or would i have problems from the start? thanks.

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Doh. Started typing my response half an hour ago and got distracted....

There is no certainty about if or when there will be any exemptions to frontal impact compliance, and even then there's a good chance that as a modified saloon car (in LTNZ's eyes) a Cossie will not meet the definition.


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Excort Cosworth was just a rebodied Sierra cosworth anyhow wasnt it, i.e. it has nothing in common with a standard escort? That wont help things at all either way (or for bringing the engine/drivetrain over).


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Guys, thanks for your help/advice.You never know it might be possible we will see how things go.not giving up just yet!


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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crazyford said:
Guys, thanks for your help/advice.You never know it might be possible we will see how things go.not giving up just yet!
If your emigrating, which is an utter toal rollecoaster, you'll have to have plenty of that push on & dont let it get you down spirit biggrin

Theres often a way round problems but importing your car may be the expection.

Theres plenty of decent motors here if you look hard enough tho.


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Rob, if i manage to get over there i might just have to get a nice little modified nissan skyline to cheer myself up!!


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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crazyford said:
Rob, if i manage to get over there i might just have to get a nice little modified nissan skyline to cheer myself up!!
When your here you may change your mind on that...

Streets are awash with modded scoobs evo's and skylines all driven by NZ's equivelant of chavs (hoons).


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Any suggestions then?? do you have those Holden v8,s out there?I am a big TVR fan are there any of those kicking about out there?


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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crazyford said:
Any suggestions then?? do you have those Holden v8,s out there?I am a big TVR fan are there any of those kicking about out there?
Theres lots of nice Jap stuff, including the skylines etc, its just there quite common & relativly cheap. R32-34's, newer stuff like RX8's, 350z's s2000's are less common, RX7's are popular. Slyvia's and stagias etc are common too. An average family car is a legacy turbo wagon...

Theres Holden and ford v8's too, plenty of them.

And a light smattering of TVR's tho all from the v8's and back, none of the I6's.

Theres certainly a good range of classics & oddballs but it takes a bit of digging to find them, have a look at the trademe car thread for examples.


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Cheers Rob, will keep you posted with any developments. If you see a white Escort Cosworth in a years time it may be me!



1,163 posts

210 months

Tuesday 11th December 2007
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Bring it over anyway. If you cant register it straight away use it for track days and/or racing.
I sold all my toys when I left the UK thinking they would be easy to replace and at similar cost - this is not the case (although I have been in the right place/right time for one vehicle purchase over here).
At least all my mates in the UK keep in touch, maybe because they are driving/riding some bargains around thanks to my last minute sale!


772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 12th December 2007
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If you do end up selling it and looking for something over here I suggest you dont make any decisions till you get here.

We dont get a lot of cars that are seen in the UK (particularly 2 seater sports cars/track cars) but we have a lot of (particularly japanese) high performance/turbo cars. Plenty of Commodore/Falcon V8s too.

Given the different mix some cars you may currently find desirable (eg Skyline) may be very differently priced and have a different status here, and other cars you wouldnt have a hope of finding in the UK might suit you perfectly.