Fun video thread



Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Thursday 6th December 2007
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If we don't have one already - I can't be bothered searching to find out.

Heres one I happened to find earlier - helps explain why I still want an STi-RA Impreza. Good to show the "Subarus understeer" brigade too hehe

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 6th December 2007
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For some reason tarmac drifting in 4WD's just isn't my thing. confused RWD's on tarmac or 4WD's on gravel is another story driving

This is more my style La broque 2006

If anyone out there is my Secret Santa . . . a Norma M20 will do nicely hehe


Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Thursday 6th December 2007
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hehe In general I agree - the STi-RA is 64% to the rears so its allowed to drift on tarmac sometimes tongue out

mmmmm Norma M20, a bit like an XTR2 after 5 years of gym work and steroid treatment. wink