Byebye Dunedin
Ah Well, as of this weekend I'll no longer be a Dunedinite. There've been plenty of fun times and fun roads, nice (and nutty) drives on the local twisties which I'll miss. Still, I look forward to discovering some nice quiet Central Otago roads to report back on, but I might not be posting on here much for a while as I'll only have internet access at work for a start and should probably try and set a good impression there... 
And on that note, I can merrily join the mocking of Dunedin drivers! Most of them have no idea how to use roundabouts, plenty regard red lights as optional, and very few understand the concept of merging like a zip. Cromwell doesn't seem to have any roundabouts or traffic lights as far as I've noticed, so I'll have to find some other common driving habits to annoy me up there.

And on that note, I can merrily join the mocking of Dunedin drivers! Most of them have no idea how to use roundabouts, plenty regard red lights as optional, and very few understand the concept of merging like a zip. Cromwell doesn't seem to have any roundabouts or traffic lights as far as I've noticed, so I'll have to find some other common driving habits to annoy me up there.

I'll be staying at a friends holiday house at Bannockburn for a start (just outside Cromwell) and finding at flat once I'm there. Google Earth resolution is truly appalling round there but 45°05'15.51"S, 169°09'01.80"E is about the spot I'll be staying to start with, and 45°02'10.51"S, 169°11'47.39"E will put you pretty close to the office.
Spent a few days last new year camping in Bannockburn - lots of big wide open hill country to wander/bike around, vineyards and winter playgrounds not far away... and the lake in Bannockburn is used for all kinds of motorised watersports if you're into that sort of thing. Great place to live and work for while 

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