Lucky bugger!



Original Poster:

823 posts

295 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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I was up mowing the road-frontage on my property (which I seem to be responsble for despite it not being 'my' property -lazy bleedin' council) when I noticed this :

There were faint skid marks on the road yesterday but these have worn away now. The driver must have gone way too fast, not realised there was a junction and gone straight through. Bloody lucky as this is a busy 100km/h road. He's then launched himself over the grass 'kerb' (you can see the indents from his tyres).

He's barely touched the grass between the road and the bush he's gone through.

Then he's cleared the bank of vegetation and taken out my fence (luckily for him/her he missed the concrete post).

It's quite a high bank as this photo shows.

Then the cheeky ponce drove through my paddock, up to the gate, through it and my garden and buggered off! Lord knows when it happened as I'm a very light sleeper. I can only assume it happened during the day and he was just very lucky we weren't home and the neighbours didn't see it!

Must have been a pretty tough car too.

Edited by jamieheasman on Sunday 28th October 22:19

Edited by jamieheasman on Sunday 28th October 22:20

Edited by jamieheasman on Sunday 28th October 22:21

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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I would be inclined to send the photos to the Council asking that additional signage be installed. A warning sign up the T-road and a chevron bar on your side.

It probably won't happen immediately but write again, if it happens again.

You might save the life of an innocent party minding their own business.

jamieheasman said:
I was up mowing the road-frontage on my property (which I seem to be responsble for despite it not being 'my' property -lazy bleedin' council) . . .
Would you prefer that your rates were increased so that every berm in the district was mowed by the Council ?



4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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Wow OMG really lucky alright!! Be interesting to know what happend? no brakes, drunk driving, careless use! Would have been aweful if the worst happend you got that knock on the door asking to borrow your phone for an ambulance! Or finding them d..d! two days later frown


Original Poster:

823 posts

295 months

Sunday 28th October 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Would you prefer that your rates were increased so that every berm in the district was mowed by the Council ?

No but they could give me a deduction on my rates to compensate me for my time, cost of petrol or even the wear and tear on my equipment caused by cans, broken bottles etc that are dumped by the roadside and never tidied up by them. Alternatively, I'd have been happy if they waived the couple of thousand dollars it cost me to have my barn positioned a metre or two closer to my boundary considering there's eight metres or so of grass between my fence and the road on the other side!


Original Poster:

823 posts

295 months

Monday 29th October 2007
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Yeah they were lucky alright. It's difficult to tell how high it is in the pictures but whilst it's not a cliff, I don't think I'd like to go down it in a car. I'm amazed they were able to drive out again though. At the very least they must have had an LSD equipped car because I can get stuck in that paddock on my ride-on without even trying!

I just can't believe I didn't notice it before. I reckon, given how quickly the skid marks have disappeared since last night that it must have happened on Friday, either at night or whilst my wife and I were both out.


Original Poster:

823 posts

295 months

Monday 29th October 2007
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I should just say that if it was one of those little boy racer pricks that turn up at 3am and tear up and down then I hope their engine seized-up a kilometre down the road. mad