Teds trip down under



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Hi guys thought you might find this kind of cool. I got an email from Steve Carter who is a regular on PH here in the photography section and he's had a bit of fun with sending a very small teddy bear on an incredible journey around the world to capture some nice shots. While you might think there's nothing really special about this, ted has been in some rather famous hands which is kind of cool. See linky below.


I received Ted last week and feeling a bit of pressure not lose him or get muck over him. So anyway I managed to get over to Devonport early this morning for some iconic shots of the city etc. Photography never been my strong point (too many dam settings on cameras these days!) but found a beautiful Pohutukawa tree to stick him too for some nice shots. Steve chose these ones which he's loading on the page shortly.

Teds next trip is back the the Virgin Islands!!

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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OOOh, hasn't he grown?

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Would be cool to see him at Scott Base wink


7,741 posts

242 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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He doesn't look very happy!


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Yeah hes actually in pretty bad shape and had his fair share of knocks. Going on the story so far hes had his poor little head ripped off, been frozen, in someones dinner and no doubt a few more seams been torn on the fella. He came complete with his bed and sewing kit LOL!!
I sent him off this arvo back to the UK. Wonder how many air points Teds racked up so far hehe

Edited to add the original PH linky on here thats been started

Edited by Kylie on Saturday 27th October 05:05


7,741 posts

242 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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That makes my eyes water!
(Sorry ted)

Edited by dilbert on Saturday 27th October 05:10


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Very very cool... my fave shot has to be of him at Le Mans, with the astons roaring by in the background! smile


2,574 posts

290 months

Monday 29th October 2007
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Look in the OutTeds section, great pic of him sitting in a model Tuscan :-)


772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 30th October 2007
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Didnt realise how small he was till I looked at the main website. Thought he would have been a foot tall or something.


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 30th October 2007
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hehe yeah hes tiny. Was slightly windy when taking some pics so had to stick some cellotape to his butt so he didnt blow away into the ocean, id be in BIG trouble if he did!

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Tuesday 30th October 2007
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Naughty bear shouldn't eat so many beans!