Rugby Cup final in Honolulu

Rugby Cup final in Honolulu



Original Poster:

1 posts

209 months

Saturday 20th October 2007
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After certain signals that a number of people here in Honolulu, Hawaii, can't see the (boring?) final tomorrow, we've decided to pay for it in our hotel room, 9.00 am 20.10.2007. Room D1281, Hilton Hawaii Village. BYO beer - welcome!

Toni & Paul, over on a conference from Sweden.

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Saturday 20th October 2007
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Oh you crazy, crazy Swedes....


256 posts

260 months

Saturday 20th October 2007
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Sounds great - get some hula girls and hook up a web cam. Go sweden!