BMW E30 racing


iain a

Original Poster:

329 posts

238 months

Thursday 18th October 2007
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Evening all

Has anyone hads any experience of the BMW E30 racing formula?? It seems to be similar to a succesfull series run by SELOC (South East Lotus Owners Club) in the UK. Does it work well here? how are running costs? Gentleman's racing, or no holds barred?
I have spoken to one competitor who also prepares cars (Mal at Bygone) and it all sounds very good. He is also trying to get a few of the competitors to take part in rallies - which suits me as I would love to do the Targa again, particularly if I'm competing in a class.
The fact that 3 rounds are at Puke is a disadvantage to me as I'm in Welly.. but I'm sure I could get over that.
I'd have to sell the WRX to buy & prepare a BM... so I would very occasionally have to use the race car as domestic transport... I have done that in the past so think it wouldn't be a problem. An interesting extra might be that it would occasiaonlly have to tow a kart trailer...

What is the advice of the assembled Pistonheads?



Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Friday 19th October 2007
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I think there're a couple of guys in the Fraser club who also run in that series. I'll see what I can dig up.....


196 posts

226 months

Saturday 20th October 2007
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Andy Culpin at RaceFX is doing a couple for customers.
Mark Stacey