Aaaarrrrggghhh . . .


Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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I have to go to Dunedin on Wednesday / Thursday for work. Must have been very bad in a previous life. paperbag



6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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shout calling GravelBen shout

plenty of fun to be had down there Graham... it'll be sometime around end of lectures... think of all the drunken nubile young female students to ogle wink


16,016 posts

241 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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hehe Its not that bad down here tongue out though for some reason its been raining a lot the last week. Weather must know you're coming wink

I've got an exam friday but always keen to avoid studying so drop me a line if you want to have a beer or something. (Or I can show you the best roads to give your hire car death on driving )

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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GravelBen said:
hehe Its not that bad down here tongue out though for some reason its been raining a lot the last week. Weather must know you're coming wink

I've got an exam friday but always keen to avoid studying so drop me a line if you want to have a beer or something. (Or I can show you the best roads to give your hire car death on driving )
I'm being picked-up from the airport by the client. Guessing they think a Dorklander would get lost on the way in to town. hehe

They've even booked dinner meetings. Probably means I'm paying tongue out


16,016 posts

241 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Well you know, its pretty hard to find Dunedin from the airport. Drive up the road, reach SH1, turn left. Get that last bit wrong and you'll end up in Balclutha wink

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 16th October 12:41


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
quotequote all
GravelBen said:
Well you know, its pretty hard to find Dunedin from the airport. Drive up the road, reach SH1, turn left. Get that last bit wrong and you'll end up in Balclutha wink

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 16th October 12:41
  • remembers days of hitchhiking from chch to GORE to visit my girlfriend who lived there* back in the day

  • note I said she lived there, she wasn't from there....... god forbid!


16,016 posts

241 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Esprit said:
  • note I said she lived there, she wasn't from there....... god forbid!
hehe Only the normal amount of fingers and toes then I take it? rofl


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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GravelBen said:
Esprit said:
  • note I said she lived there, she wasn't from there....... god forbid!
hehe Only the normal amount of fingers and toes then I take it? rofl
Well she was from Waimate, so that's debatable.


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Good old Waimate (waimos) we call em. We always had fun banter with the Waimos saying they were a wee bit interbred like all the stick Tasmania gets.hehe I think it were because Waimate used to be good at rugby, sports etc giving Timaru clubs a run for their money, so had to give them stick for something smile


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
I have to go to Dunedin on Wednesday / Thursday for work. Must have been very bad in a previous life. paperbag

Me too... although am flying down Friday night get in at 9ish and fly back on Monday. Big family doo down there, been told to bring some layers !!


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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Mates been down there a bit, back today.

Weather was nice yesterday but I think your in for a shocker today biggrin


16,016 posts

241 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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hehe Obviously Dunedin is still the place to be! wink


16,016 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Dunedin weather today...


(it actually looks nicer in that photo scratchchin )

Edited by GravelBen on Wednesday 17th October 03:21


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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OMG...looks like flipping snow clouds!


16,016 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Kylie said:
OMG...looks like flipping snow clouds!
Can't see any at the moment (its cleared a wee bit now) but we had a dusting up on the hills last week. The bigger hills around the city are 6-700m high though so snow still wasn't really low level.


221 posts

251 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Just to add to the thread I too will be there Sat - Mon. Thinking of taking the TVR but maybe I should check the weather first....

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Got caught coming back across the Octagon in a shower . . . of hail yikes

Tooooo many Subway's, Starbuck's etc

Very friendly locals though. All staggering up to me in the street

"Do you know where the Uni Bar is?"

"Do you know where the Monkey Bar is?"

"No sorry, I've just arrived in town."

"Cool. Stick with us dude, we'll find it . . . I think it's this way" drunk



16,016 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Sounds like Dunedin all right.

ETA: Does coming back across the Octagon mean you were at the DCC, or just one of the other businesses round there? I was based at the Civic centre (1st floor) beside the Octagon when I worked for them.

Edited by GravelBen on Wednesday 17th October 13:55


16,016 posts

241 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
quotequote all
CRM said:
Just to add to the thread I too will be there Sat - Mon. Thinking of taking the TVR but maybe I should check the weather first....
Currently looking a bit damp Sat but not bad Sun-Mon so you might be all right. Is it just a case of taking it a bit easy when wet in the TVR or does it do silly things like leaking?

P.S.(shameless blagging here) - if you do bring it and think you're likely to have spare time and an interest in enlightening someone who's never been in a TVR, feel free to PM me. No worries if not thoughsmile

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 18th October 2007
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GravelBen said:

Sounds like Dunedin all right.

ETA: Does coming back across the Octagon mean you were at the DCC, or just one of the other businesses round there? I was based at the Civic centre (1st floor) beside the Octagon when I worked for them.
Yep. Level 2 getmecoat

And why is all the pesto in Dunedin restaurants (well 3 out of 3 anyway) "parsley pesto"? Quite nice but I like a little kick in my greens hehe