Enviro-mental paramilitary thing

Enviro-mental paramilitary thing



Original Poster:

7,780 posts

254 months

Monday 15th October 2007
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Bit weird aren’t they? Usually a paramilitary organisation is run discreetly rather than by a group of loud mouth natives?

Any way I’ve stocked up on assault rifles and pot noodles just encase biggrin


31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 15th October 2007
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I dont see how running rouhd in deep bush in camo gear is realy going to help them once they got to Welly anyhow..?


256 posts

260 months

Tuesday 16th October 2007
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speedy_thrills said:
Any way I’ve stocked up on assault rifles and pot noodles just encase biggrin
Are you going to throw the pot noodles at the natives, or just make then eat them? I'd have thought the latter is probably the best deterent.


Original Poster:

7,780 posts

254 months

Wednesday 17th October 2007
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Zaphod said:
Are you going to throw the pot noodles at the natives, or just make then eat them?
Bait for those social classes.

Mind you a few Maori groups are already seeking the moral high ground by playing the “think of the children” card, apparently seeing guns may traumatise them however seeing family members alcohol and drug abuse doesn’t?.

Perhaps I’m tarring with a brush that is too thick when I only have personal experience to rely on?