Anyone know this RS2?


Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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I'm tempted... comes with a clean inspection report and I think a reasonable asking price. Any of our northerners recognise the car and/or the owner?


16,016 posts

241 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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Hmmm, looks nice and tidy, Km's are getting up but they're are supposed to be relatively bulletproof AFAIK so 180k shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Can't help on the owner/history question sorry.


750 posts

221 months

Friday 12th October 2007
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Funny enough my aunty bought one of these new in Ak,if it is her's she thrashed the living crap out of it,nice car though.