Car In The Rexona Advert

Car In The Rexona Advert



Original Poster:

256 posts

260 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Anyone seen the new Rexona ad with the yellow gull wing, racing and hand braking through a city? Starter for ten - anyone know what the car is?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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I wondered what it was too.

In looking for the answer I found this ad which was quite cool


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Zaphod said:
Anyone seen the new Rexona ad with the yellow gull wing, racing and hand braking through a city? Starter for ten - anyone know what the car is?
Isn't it some kinda aussie kit car? Maybe a Skelta or something?

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Esprit said:
Zaphod said:
Anyone seen the new Rexona ad with the yellow gull wing, racing and hand braking through a city? Starter for ten - anyone know what the car is?
Isn't it some kinda aussie kit car? Maybe a Skelta or something?
Definately not a Skelta. It looks very similar to a GT40.


16,016 posts

241 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Was wondering the same thing - profile and roofline is pure GT40 or GT but the detailing is all wrong, like different bits have been taken from different cars to make a 'generic supercar'. Possibly some kind of modernised GT40 kit?


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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GravelBen said:
Was wondering the same thing - profile and roofline is pure GT40 or GT but the detailing is all wrong, like different bits have been taken from different cars to make a 'generic supercar'. Possibly some kind of modernised GT40 kit?
I've definitely seen it before in some press-release in the news on PH or something... seem to recall it was from Oz, which would make sense being an Aussie ad.

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Saab 96


31,343 posts

265 months

Sunday 7th October 2007
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Jeze, we all know the PH answer to any what car question is...

The MX5.

There ya go, you can sleep now.


Original Poster:

256 posts

260 months

Monday 8th October 2007
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No, don't think it's an MX-5...but I did find some more video of it: