State housing isn’t good enough for us...

State housing isn’t good enough for us...



Original Poster:

7,780 posts

254 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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Article here.
Article effectively said:
Our free housing provided by NZ taxpayers is not up to the standard expected by those grifting off the social welfare system.
Aricle said:
There are almost 3000 government owned houses in Porirua...many are understood to have holes in the walls and are leaking.
So it’s like the accommodation students live in yet pay for the privilege?
Aricle said:
This year 5.2 million dollars will go into upgrading and modernising homes in Porirua...
I could think of a million things that money would be better spent on including: More roads (of a better quality) and/or giving every taxpayer around $1.20 back. mad

What do they need better housing for any way? ranting They’ll only ruin it by putting a methamphetamine lab in the living room, letting their 20 children (of indiscriminate parenting) play rugby indoors(that is of course assuming that their kids are at home and not chucking rocks at passing cars from dual carriageway over bridges), leaving their collection of stolen gutted vehicles in the front garden, digging up the back garden to cook vegetables in the ground and/or set fire to so they get a new home. I know that I have made a few slight generalisations but I know of many first generation Indian families who have moved here and paid for this type of accommodation but are generally good, decent, members of society who pay taxes and provide valuable taxi services often having to work nights even though they have a family to take care of thumbup.


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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I was going to rant too, but you've summed it up nicely.

so I'll just say:

^^^^^ WHAT HE SAID smile


Original Poster:

7,780 posts

254 months

Monday 1st October 2007
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I’m surprised you didn’t jump on this one:

Yes, crime is the fault of the general public now for leaving things in their cars while those well intentioned thieves stroll around looking for car to break into rather than the fault of a poorly implemented penal system that neither re-habilitates or punishes criminals to the extent that they will not re-commit.

Still I wonder if they have made their speeding ticket quota? It would be terrible to see them fail to punish a crime that allows people to travel between places quicker while (allegedly) placing themselves at a slightly higher risk of injuring themselves or damaging their car.


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2007
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speedy_thrills said:
I’m surprised you didn’t jump on this one:

Yes, crime is the fault of the general public now for leaving things in their cars while those well intentioned thieves stroll around looking for car to break into rather than the fault of a poorly implemented penal system that neither re-habilitates or punishes criminals to the extent that they will not re-commit.

Still I wonder if they have made their speeding ticket quota? It would be terrible to see them fail to punish a crime that allows people to travel between places quicker while (allegedly) placing themselves at a slightly higher risk of injuring themselves or damaging their car.
Oh no, I ranted about ths EXTENSIVELY... on another forum.