UK personalised plates



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 17th September 2007
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Almost the same as mine, they want $176,791.31 NZD yikes

Theres still some cracking good plates to be found on

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 17th September 2007
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There are people in the UK who will pay $000 for an ideal NZ plate that they can only put on their garage wall.


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 17th September 2007
quotequote all
Have you seen these on Tme

Be good for show cars and garage walls etc.


772 posts

294 months

Monday 17th September 2007
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Ive never understood the UK fascination with number plates that barely even say anything.

To my mind the NZ prices are exhorbitant enough. When you can get a new non personalised plate for $13 (well it was last time I tried, it might be marginally more now), why does it cost $800 (or whatever it is now) for a brand new one.

Though I suppose it does reduce demand abit so you have a chance of getting a decent new one, whereas if they were all under $100 just about everything would already be gone.

Disclaimer: I do have a pplate, I bought it new under a group buy in early 2004 for $320 when they were retailing for about $500