Anyone going to this?


Richard Gee

Original Poster:

201 posts

224 months

Friday 14th September 2007
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Wouldn't mind some pics for the site ;-)

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 14th September 2007
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Petrolheads said:
"Speedshow, the expo that celebrates all forms of motorsport in New Zealand, is being held this coming weekend – Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September – at the TelstraClear Pacific Events Centre in South Auckland, . . ."
Unfortunately the carpark at the TelstraClear Pacific Events Centre in South Auckland is a celebration of Grand Theft Auto bandit

and I'll be getting my car ready for Tar Hill the following weekend biggrin


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 14th September 2007
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I hadn't intended to do so, am babysitting a 3500 year old Egyptian bird this weekend up at the Auckland Museum..... I work too much frown