Frontal Impact Rules Amendment

Frontal Impact Rules Amendment


Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Just received into my inbox with a PDF attached:

Download PDF here


Good Morning,

I am sending you this letter and Policy Paper so that you will be aware of Land Transport New Zealand's and the Ministry of Transport's current proposals before the Rule is finalised for government scrutiny and signing by the Minister for Transport Safety.

If you have any comments or queries, please send these to, or contact, <...>.


Edited to remove people's names from the email

Edited by Ffirg 005 on Thursday 13th September 04:45

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Initial thoughts...
- A good definition of UCV, and more workable than the panel concept. Certainly have no trouble hitting 3 out of 4 criteria for anything non-compliant that I'd like to bring.


- 50 per year is bugger all.
- Does the 50 in the first year include all the ones sitting in sheds around the country, if so that doesn't leave much quota for imports.
- I assume they will use systems to enforce no resale within 4 years rule (how does that work for left hookers now?)


256 posts

260 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Great news indeed, thanks, that made my day earlier.
It states that vehicles shipped prior to having UCV exemption are do so at the owners risk and will receive no preferential treatment. My reading, therefore, would be that the 50 pa covers everyone and we're all competing for the same 50 spots...

Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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My interpretation too.... I really wonder if they appreciate how many times oversubscribed those 50 places will be!


256 posts

260 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Best we don't tell anyone then, keep it our secret.


6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Thank god I'll be sneaking my car in without having to wonder about any of this legality nonsense! smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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How long until you see TardMe adverts trying to auction off a Top 50 spot ?


6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
How long until you see TardMe adverts trying to auction off a Top 50 spot ?
LVVTA Scalpers.

I forsee on Jan 6 when the office reopens, a queue of petrolheads camped for days before lined up to get a spot.

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Some additional info...Apparently exemptions issued for frontal impact will also provide exemption from the new emissions standards, presumably meaning a visible smoke test will be all that is required.


772 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Im confused the purpose of the 50 car rule. Just because theres 50 people driving new to NZ TVRs in Auckland dont mean Id be any more or less safe driving one in Wellington.

The only similar restriction I could understand would be a number of cars per person...50 should be finehehe


255 posts

232 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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I read it all but it still doesn't make too much sense to me.

Does it mean we can import cars again and eventually they can be registered? What about all the current non compliable cars (GT-R Skylines etc) currently in the country, can they eventually be registered too?

Could i import a Ferrari F50 (i wish) and then get it registered?

Edited by Mustang-man on Thursday 13th September 08:17

Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Any car which meets 3 out of the 4 criteria can potentially be registered. You decide what you're want to buy, make an application which includes explanation/evidence of how the car you propose to buy meets the three criteria, if you're one of the first 50 accepted applications then you've got a green light to purchase it and when you import it your exemption will allow it to be registered.

Why does all this make me think of Charlie and the chocolate factory....

Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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F50, definitely. GTR skylines.... I don't know, for sure you could produce magazine articles but were less than 20,000 of each model made? Are they a 'coupe' (when is a 2 door 4 seater saloon car a coupe)? Are they designed for track use?


2,508 posts

295 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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so does this mean I can finally drive my Tuscan in my home land??

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Maybe... but not automatically as a baggage car, you'd have to be one of the lucky annual 50. I think they still have some work to do on how the application process works.


6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Ffirg 005 said:
Maybe... but not automatically as a baggage car, you'd have to be one of the lucky annual 50. I think they still have some work to do on how the application process works.
I think who gets to be part of the "lucky" 50 will have a lot to do with knowing whose palm to grease and how much to grease it.


813 posts

245 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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Bu99er, if this come thru, it'll be one less reason to come back home! And one more reason I'm glad I sold the black beast!

Keep up the posting about this, as it'd probably scuttle the plans I had for a Murtaya :-(

Ffirg 005

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2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 13th September 2007
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peterpsg said:
Bu99er, if this come thru, it'll be one less reason to come back home! And one more reason I'm glad I sold the black beast!

Keep up the posting about this, as it'd probably scuttle the plans I had for a Murtaya :-(
I don't think this would stop you importing a Murtaya kit and building it up with an NZ registered donor scoobie here. It may even be that provided the donor used in the UK was compliant you wouldn't have a problem.


813 posts

245 months

Friday 14th September 2007
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Will this not impact on the LVVTA and other kit car people as well though ?

Ffirg 005 said:
peterpsg said:
Bu99er, if this come thru, it'll be one less reason to come back home! And one more reason I'm glad I sold the black beast!

Keep up the posting about this, as it'd probably scuttle the plans I had for a Murtaya :-(
I don't think this would stop you importing a Murtaya kit and building it up with an NZ registered donor scoobie here. It may even be that provided the donor used in the UK was compliant you wouldn't have a problem.

Ffirg 005

Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Friday 14th September 2007
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Anything that could be imported before this amendment can still be imported, it's just that now 50 people per year will be able to import/register a non-frontal impact compliant vehicle.

If it's a Murtaya you want then by far the easiest certification route is to import the kit and build it here on a donor WRX - it will probably need to be LVV certified depending on how extensive the body and other changes are, but I can't see a problem.

If you want to import one fully built up then make sure the donor car is frontal impact compliant (if that's possible - I don't know what model/s you have to use for it?). You might also need to keep an eye on the emissions standards on imports.