New member introduction

New member introduction



Original Poster:

13 posts

210 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Hello everyone,

My names Luke, I got put onto this forum by Ben, I dunno about a year ago. Since then I've checked up fairly regularly on the happenings and discussions. Ben asked me why I hadn't joined and started posting and I couldn't think of a good reason why I hadn't so here I am.

Bit about me...

Drive a '97 Legacy GT Wagon. Does the job and goes nicely. It wants to be a WRX STi Type RA when it grows up. Currently it's Stock Standard, which I quite like, though when it gets some holes in the muffler from all those gravel roads I'll probably stick something more freeflowing, but not obnoxious on it, just for the burble.

Before that I had NZ New 91 Legacy 2.2 GT (no turbo tho) Sedan. Was a good car and was sad to see it go, decided to upgrade when 3rd started to get a little crunchy.

My first car isn't really worthy of mention except for it's end, partial head on with a Hilux with bull bars at 30kph in about a foot of snow on gravel road. Don't ask why I was there, though I was surprise how far it got, no damage to the hilux tho thankfully so was kind of positive. For the record it was 86 Ford Telstar.

I said before I knew Ben, whose probably taught me about 90% of what I know about cars/driving etc. Some would use the word 'corrupted' instead of taught, however I think I'm in safe company here and 'taught' is the correct word to use.

Favourite Roads:
Lindas Pass
Crown Range
Devils Staircase (Between Kingston and Queenstown)
Haast Pass (See a theme developing)
Plenty of Dunedin backroads (from my time there)

Don't know how frequently I'll post but will continue to keep updated and contirbute meanfully where I can.




16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Bout time you showed up wink


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Welcome in Luke,

Certainly nothing wrong with a GT Leggy... quick ships for what they are, mechanical foibles aside they're decently reliable if you stay on top of them.

Plans to upgrade to that STi Wagon anytime soon?


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Welcome to the forum!!! wavey


5,167 posts

228 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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G'day from Perth wavey

just nosing around in here

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Hi bud,

Hope you enjoy the madness biggrin We will have you in another car in no time. Everyones buying new cars on here at the moment. It shouldn't take too long to fleece you of your hard earned bucks tongue out

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Welcome aboard Luke wavey

Another Scoobie in the team thumbup

One of the things you'll need to become familiar with is thread hijacking . . . like this hehe
Kiwi Carguy said:
. . . Everyones buying new cars on here at the moment. It shouldn't take too long to fleece you of your hard earned bucks tongue out
Can't afford a new car at the moment what with everything else I need to buy. But I did get a care-package from the good people at Rooster Teeth. It had been opened by Customs confused probably because they have no sense of humour and couldn't understand what was on the back of the package . . .

WARNING: Package May Contain Contents


Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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"they're decently reliable if you stay on top of them."
Well that explains all the car-surfing then!
I'll get my coat.....


31,343 posts

265 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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I knew I got those roofrack bars for a reason!!

Welcome Luke!

As for new cars, well oneday the forester will have a mate in the garage.. biggrin


571 posts

287 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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LeggyGT said:
Favourite Roads:
Lindas Pass
Amen to that! I go up there quite often with work, its a great road (good fun on the way down on a MTB too biggrin )
Would have been great to go thru on the Silver Fern in something with some go + handling.

If your looking for some good roads (gravel or tarmac) around Timaru, give me a yell. smile

anyways, welcome aboard!