A rare Loti might be landing on our Kiwi shores

A rare Loti might be landing on our Kiwi shores



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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I think these pics of the ultimate limited edition Esprit made my decision quite clear. This is not the actual car I am buying as its a US one but identical in colour and everything else pretty much.
The full inspection report will be available in two weeks as the Official Lotus Servicing agent is busy for 2 weeks, so I have to sit patiently. The really nice chap is so confident that it will pass with flying colours he's now updated his ad for me and sending better pics of the car bow , so I can now sleep at night knowing that knowbody else can buy it. Let the fun begin biggrin

I am pretty confident getting compliance through talking to KW Historics. They are the listed compliance rep on LTNZ website for Lotus, so I shouldn't have any major issues.
Life is short lets play bounce


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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Every time I see a 350 sport, I'm nursing a semi hehe

But honestly Kylie, this is the right move to make, the 350 is a peerless car and will be a good buy because you're buying into something unique in NZ. Hope you get good news on the inspection and hopefully we see it on NZ shores soon smile



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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hehe I cant tell ya how many sleepless nights I had over this decision, but I think once its on home soil it will be worth every penny and the grin factor will be priceless. I already have insurance lined up which is only a few measly pennies more than the four banger. Anyway I have another 2 weeks to really sort out what I need to do, so I should be ok. My fingers have never been so crossed, even the tootsies too!!

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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Says it all reallyhehe

Congratulations thumbup


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 8th September 2007
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Kylie said:
hehe I cant tell ya how many sleepless nights I had over this decision, but I think once its on home soil it will be worth every penny and the grin factor will be priceless. I already have insurance lined up which is only a few measly pennies more than the four banger. Anyway I have another 2 weeks to really sort out what I need to do, so I should be ok. My fingers have never been so crossed, even the tootsies too!!
If it makes any difference I know EXACTLY what you're going through... I've been through (ad still am I guess) exactly the same thing with the S1 Exige.... in the end we'll neigher of us regret it I'm sure smile


16,014 posts

241 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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Looks like I'll have to make another trip up north to see some toys once they arrive... wink


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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Yes for sure you must come up!

An up date on the inspection saga....

I have a close friend who owns a Esp v8, lives in the area of the inspection place and who knows one of the Lotus service guys really well thats looking at the car and can possibly get my inspection moved forward. They are going to take piccies for me when it gets there up on the hoist of the underneath and other areas. The Lotus community out there are just wonderful people and the web a VERY small place smile


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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Kylie, that's my experience too.... sadly, mine was in a more remote area initially... all worked out well in the end though smile


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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Yeah, its pretty frustrating buying unseen not knowing the person and relying off a few people to get it here. I have already started to think about adding a nice spacer at bottom of driveway gutter to accomodate such a low front end. And yes I know I have to hold my horses and not get too carried away incase it goes to custard.


6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 9th September 2007
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I just hope yours goes smoother than mine did.... mine dipped in and out of the custard several times before I got it on the boat... it's still not over yet... I'm waiting for it to fall off the crane at the port when they lift it off the boat :P (not seriously Roger, my negative thinking doesn't extend that far!)



750 posts

221 months

Monday 10th September 2007
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Lovely car,I'm really envious,welcome to the Pomy V8 club.

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 10th September 2007
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Congratulations on a stunning purchase Kylie. Though the Lotus marque isn't 'in my blood' as it clearly is in yours I had lingered on that listing on PH (and the Esprit 4 sale site) more than once myself. Hope the rest of the process goes smoothly & no surprises for you.


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 10th September 2007
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Thanks guys its a timeless shape with raw looks but will handle extremely well and go like a cut cat so thats all I want. Not interested in luxury cream cow hide with to many gadgets that talk to you while driving etc etc in a sports car. The S350 sounds like me so I thinks its a good choice. It even comes complete with its own mini picnic table/towel rail strapped on the back......
...how considerate hehe


255 posts

232 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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OMG OMG OMG. eekyikes

A few years back i bought Gran Turismo 2. Eventually i either won or bought this car - and fell in love with it, it instantly went on my 'List of cars to buy when the stupid Lotto lets me win it' list. Even more so in Gran Turismo 3 i think.

So if you get it and alls well, do you think it will ever visit the South Island? I'd seriously travel up to Chch to see/get a ride in it if it wasn't going to come any further down.

I'd give you a ride in my Skyline, but its pretty much a factory standard turbo 4WD automatic version. wink

EDIT: I thought they all had the inside of that inlet passage thingy under the doors in a shade of blue?

Edited by Mustang-man on Wednesday 12th September 09:56


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Hey if I get it, you sure can get a ride. I would love to take it down south and give it a blast around down there. If I did get down there would be going to Timaru at least. No doubt Dad an Co will want to see one in the flesh if he dosent get up here first. But not saying too much till the report comes up trumps and car is on the truck. Its all only early days. Every day is painfully slow. Got another week to go till I find out frown I have got that waking up at 2am syndrome going on at the moment with worry of it getting here and or what happens if it fails or the seller does something bizaire never to be heard of again. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight sleep


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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As for the blue trim on the side skirts, I have to find out there, as yrs ago when they came out I heard of guys painting them in and other guys painting them over. And then USA cars were slightly different again. So I cant quite remember, if it were another factory option or not. I have signed up to the Sport350 Esprit forum so once I get the car, there certainly will be some small detailed questions to be answered.


571 posts

287 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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will it be ok in NZ with it being left hand drive?
I thought there was some silly law about that?


2,191 posts

278 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Kylie said:
This is not the actual car I am buying as its a US one but identical in colour and everything else pretty much.


571 posts

287 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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ok then someone give me a good shoot

it pays to read threads properly eh?
if anyone needs me I'll be in the corner
