Heads Up NZ forum discussed in GG!

Heads Up NZ forum discussed in GG!



Original Poster:

5,166 posts

228 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
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Anyone care to comment on this thread?

bugger I can't change the thread title but the discussion is in the P&P of course, not GG rolleyes

Edited by madazrx7 on Wednesday 29th August 07:40


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
quotequote all
Thanks for the heads up! smile


Original Poster:

5,166 posts

228 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
quotequote all
Another NZ thread in the P&P today wink



4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
quotequote all
What disgusting looking chick that was with the front shelf hanging out of the dress five times to small. Clearly an attention seeker, our news must be so desperate to get her on there.

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
quotequote all
madazrx7 said:
Another NZ thread in the P&P today wink

Errr... yep... that'll be my first ever post on the Pie and Piston then whistle... I was interested to see what the brits thought of it.


Original Poster:

5,166 posts

228 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
quotequote all
Ffirg 005 said:
madazrx7 said:
Another NZ thread in the P&P today wink

Errr... yep... that'll be my first ever post on the Pie and Piston then whistle... I was interested to see what the brits thought of it.
Doh! Shows how well I read your post, I didn't twig that it was in a NZ paper or posted by one of you lot redface


813 posts

245 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
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I'd better ring the inlaw's Dairy farm and let them know that one of their stock units is on the loose!


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 25th September 2007
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Ill ring the UK authorities and let them know we have one of their mad cow diseases here!