Dunedin - Episode V


Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Got a local perspective Ben?

I hope your couch survived.


823 posts

295 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Maybe he's helping the police with their enquiries? wink


31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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I always wondered how the S Island supported so many used car dealers.


571 posts

287 months

Tuesday 28th August 2007
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RobDickinson said:
I always wondered how the S Island supported so many used car dealers.
and furniture retailers.

Now this is what happens when you take away the Embankment at the 'brook.
Students used to have a nice place to burn their couches.
Now they have to do it on the street.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
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Now I'm getting a bit worried about Ben. No posts since Friday (should have been a couple of dozen by now wink )

Hopefully he's snowboarding somewhere rather than trying to convince his father to bail him out.


7,780 posts

254 months

Wednesday 29th August 2007
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Do you know what would keep these kids from rioting on the streets? Free marijuana yes.


16,018 posts

241 months

Friday 31st August 2007
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I'm out of jail now....

Well not really anything so exciting - was up at Mt Cook for a mates 21st on 'undy weekend' and have been working in Central with only work computers since then. Missed the whole thing frown