Dunedin (almost) Drivers - Episode IV

Dunedin (almost) Drivers - Episode IV


Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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200km/h driver goes bush after crash
5:00AM Tuesday June 12, 2007

A driver clocked doing nearly 200km/h on an icy road yesterday fled from police after crashing. Police called his actions "straight-out lunacy" after he took off from a patrol and passed a truck on a blind corner near Palmerston, about 60km north of Dunedin.

Senior Constable Bruce Dow said he clocked the car, a silver Nissan Cefiro, at 197km/h. Otago's roads were treacherous after snow last week.

A witness reported seeing the car travelling through Palmerston at well over the 50km/h speed limit. The driver came to a stop after losing control just south of Palmerston and hitting a road sign beforereversing for 150m down a farm track, ending up with two flat tyres.

Two people from the car took off on foot into bush bordering the highway.
Police were searching for the pair last night.


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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What's the betting when (if) they're found they'll not just be wanted for driving offences?


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Hmmm, I did see a lot of cops out last night but that was in Dunedin itself not Palmerston so maybe unconnected. There are some monumentally crap loser drivers here though, its no wonder the panelbeaters love winter woohoo

Took the wagon out up the hills for a bit of a play in the snow over the weekend, definitely wasn't doing 200 km/h though hehe The people towing each other up and down the road on snowboards would have got in the way.

Mind you, the main roads aren't really 'treacherous' or icy at the moment.

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 12th June 03:09


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Cant say the gravel they chuck all over the dodgy mountain roads helps that much..

At least we know a Cefiro can do 200km/h and you can walk away from it once it stops.biggrin


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
Hmmm, I did see a lot of cops out last night but that was in Dunedin itself not Palmerston so maybe unconnected. There are some monumentally crap loser drivers here though, its no wonder the panelbeaters love winter woohoo

Took the wagon out up the hills for a bit of a play in the snow over the weekend, definitely wasn't doing 200 km/h though hehe The people towing each other up and down the road on snowboards would have got in the way.

Mind you, the main roads aren't really 'treacherous' or icy at the moment.

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 12th June 03:09
'Ben how cold is Dunedin at the mo. Heading down there for this weekend to see sis. Mum tells me it was 4 degc during the day down there a few days ago. yikes will have to wrap up warm!!


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Kylie said:
'Ben how cold is Dunedin at the mo. Heading down there for this weekend to see sis. Mum tells me it was 4 degc during the day down there a few days ago. yikes will have to wrap up warm!!
Its been nice clear and sunny during the days, but often still coldish out of the sun - daily highs anywhere between 5° and 10° the last few days, though we got up to 18° last wed. and usually dropping to around 0 or into the negatives overnight. So if you're used to Auckland you better bring your warm gear! hehe

What part of Dunedin will you be in? It makes a big difference to how warm it is, I'm soaking up the sun at the moment but there could still be frost on the ground in the valleys.


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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St Clair. Sis revamped her Salon(Zaibatzu)big time which is located in the row of shops on the esplande, we are all staying close to there. Shes throwing a massive party in the shop so I am not missing it for the world as she knows how to throw a party drink Ill sift through the woolies tonight smile


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Ahh nice, thats not too far from my place (I'm in Sunshine/Musselburgh), you should get a bit of sun there but might also get a bit of cold breeze coming in off the sea. St Clair is nice though smile


221 posts

251 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Sounds like Dunedin is the place to be this weekend. Will also be heading down although only in the work wagon.


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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hehe Dunedin is always the place to be! At least until November, when I'll be leaving. tongue out

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
hehe Dunedin is always the place to be! At least until November, when I'll be leaving. tongue out
Have you decided where?

Somewhere warm with lots of development going ahead . . .


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
GravelBen said:
hehe Dunedin is always the place to be! At least until November, when I'll be leaving. tongue out
Have you decided where?

Somewhere warm with lots of development going ahead . . .

biggrin Not quite that warm! Got a job lined up in Cromwell, small town but good pay for a fresh grad and they seem a good bunch to work with, plenty of variety of work too. Central Otago also has the bonus of some nice roads without many cops on them, and its close to the mountains smile

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
. . . Central Otago also has the bonus of some nice roads without many cops on them, and its close to the mountains smile
"Yes Officer. I'm undertaking a carriageway geometry safety survey for LTNZ"



16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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But of course. Someone has to find out how accurate the recommended speeds for all those corners are too hehe


221 posts

251 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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Roads still policed heavily around there with a large number of unusual mufti's. Subaru, Diamante etc etc

Although it must be said I'm yet to strike the law from Cadrona to the bottom of the Crown Range. Mind you its very exciting at (up to) 109km....


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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yes Holiday season especially there can be a few cops around, but I've had plenty of fairly quick trips to/from/through the area without seeing a single cop (maybe driving an invisible Subie wagon helps). Lowest population density in the country hehe(1.5 people per square km apparently) so in theory should be less cops than anywhere else.

Having said that, once I get myself a quick car I'll be getting a radar detector to go with it. sonar

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 12th June 2007
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GravelBen said:
. . . Having said that, once I get myself a quick car I'll be getting a radar detector to go with it. sonar
Here's a prediction :
Esprit said:
Valentine One !!!
tongue out

And I agree biggrin


255 posts

232 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Oh noes Ben. frown I'll be the only (or one of?) peep on these forums who lives in Dunners.


16,018 posts

241 months

Wednesday 12th September 2007
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Mustang-man said:
Oh noes Ben. frown I'll be the only (or one of?) peep on these forums who lives in Dunners.
Yep I'm afraid so. No doubt I'll still be back fairly often visiting mates etc though.

PS whatever happened to your Dunedin raceway idea/project? I still reckon a loop around 3 mile hill/Whare flat/Silverstream valley roads could make an awesome southern hemisphere Nurburgring hehe