Sick of the NZ Government?

Sick of the NZ Government?



Original Poster:

6,370 posts

288 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Are you sick of the government getting away with basically doing what THEY want, not what WE want? Sick of them stealing YOUR tax money then using it to buy elections? Sick of them changing the law to make their crimes legal? Well have your say!

Sign this petition, which will be sent to the NZ governor general. If this petition gets enough signatures, the governor general will be forced to investigate the claims. The governor general as the Queen's representative is the ONLY person that can order this corrupt government dissolved!


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

288 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Oh and spread the word

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

237 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Esprit said:
. . . Sign this petition, which will be sent to the NZ governor general. If this petition gets enough signatures, the governor general will be forced to investigate the claims. . .

I wonder if a copy of the petition will be sent, by the GG, to the government ?

I wonder if signatories will find themselves subjected to a random IRD audit ? bandit


15,833 posts

235 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Duly signed yes

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

221 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Thread of the month thumbup

soapbox Couldn't have agreed more. Can't beleive Tito is still in there. Helen goes on about honesty after signing a painting she didn't even paint nono If only the people driving her motorcade were head of transport! Out of all of them tho I can't stand Micheal Cullen. Comes across very rude and arrogant. I know National aren't perfect let alone all the other parties but I'm not impressed with Labour. Then I'm probably biased being a small-medium business owner. Sigh.

Signed judge


15,833 posts

235 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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Kiwi XTR2 said:

I wonder if signatories will find themselves subjected to a random IRD audit ? bandit

At the moment they're busy picking on students for 'random audits' - I (along with quite a few of my mates) got a letter from the 'ministry of social development' not long ago telling me that a random check has found that I didn't cancel my meagre student allowance when I worked for 2 weeks during uni mid-year holidays, so they're going to dock my allowance by $25 per week until that 2 weeks worth is payed back. I guess its because real fraud requires effort to investigate, same attitude that targets people breaking an arbitrary numerical limit by 10km/h rather than looking for dangerous drivers.

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

256 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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The petition appears to be brief on detail of exactly what the GG would be required to investigate, the complaint descrbed as "...being gravely concerned that the New Zealand House of Representatives intends to retrospectively legalise previous violations of the Electoral Act..."

Maybe I'm missing something here, but what exactly is the purpose of this petition?


7,772 posts

248 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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I don’t care if they re-fund it over the course of a year just as long as it is re-paid (Not that the IRD would be as kind to us mere subjects of course).

GravelBen said:
At the moment they're busy picking on students for 'random audits' they're going to dock my allowance by $25 per week until that 2 weeks worth is payed back.

“And on Campbell live tonight the story of how one Dunedin student has been deprived of XYZ (beer, shelter, food, heating etc.) because he miss stated the number of weeks he worked on a tax form, we ask…”. Think about it Ben, all you would have to do is rough it for a little while and pull some sob stories and you could be on the telly!

P.S. That’s why as a student work-for-cash is great, not that any SBO would be likely to put cash through the books either when it’s come from untraceable sources .

john lloyd

926 posts

236 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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You want to try living in the UK "sick" is a mild word I'd use!


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

288 months

Wednesday 18th October 2006
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john lloyd said:
You want to try living in the UK "sick" is a mild word I'd use!

We know the UK leaves a lot to be desired... hence why we have so many Ex-Pat brits here... but to be honest, the decorum of our Politicians is actually WORSE than those in the UK.... UK has far more widespread problems, but the morals of our politicians is worse. A mate of mine living in the UK stated that if this happened over there, then heads would be rolling. What happens over here? The politicians just gave themselves a payrise. Well done!


7,772 posts

248 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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Classics hit’s radio has just reported the petition as having “more than 8000 signatures urging the governor general to reject…”.


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

288 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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speedy_thrills said:
Classics hit’s radio has just reported the petition as having “more than 8000 signatures urging the governor general to reject…”.

Make that over 11,000 .... word's spreading

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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Esprit said:
john lloyd said:
You want to try living in the UK "sick" is a mild word I'd use!

We know the UK leaves a lot to be desired... hence why we have so many Ex-Pat brits here... but to be honest, the decorum of our Politicians is actually WORSE than those in the UK.... UK has far more widespread problems, but the morals of our politicians is worse. A mate of mine living in the UK stated that if this happened over there, then heads would be rolling. What happens over here? The politicians just gave themselves a payrise. Well done!

At least in the UK some of them do the decent thing, fall on their sword, and resign


15,833 posts

235 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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Nearly 15,000 - any idea how many it needs before they actually have to do something?

kiwi le

262 posts

272 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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count me in - 15,001

They all make me sick !!! they are all crooks who couldn't on with a real job.
Not sure why Cullen is there he had a good paying job once....

I think you'd do NZ a favour by asking god to swallowing the Beehive up in a large hole never to be seens agin !!!
Notice I didn't suggest someone blow the dump up !!! - I'm no radical !!!

Derker, derker !!!

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

237 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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GravelBen said:
Nearly 15,000 - any idea how many it needs before they actually have to do something?

Well, the petition is seeking that the GG use his vice-royal perogative to not give assent to the Bill following the third reading in the committee of the full-house.

This normally only takes 1-3 days after the 3rd reading.

It's a very tough ask for a new GG and I suspect he'll do a phone around 3 or 4 retired GG's (excluding Tizard) before giving royal assent. Or if there is a consensus to refuse, there will be a lot of phone traffic to London.

Can't really see it happening


256 posts

254 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
GravelBen said:
Nearly 15,000 - any idea how many it needs before they actually have to do something?

Well, the petition is seeking that the GG use his vice-royal perogative to not give assent to the Bill following the third reading in the committee of the full-house.

This normally only takes 1-3 days after the 3rd reading.

It's a very tough ask for a new GG and I suspect he'll do a phone around 3 or 4 retired GG's (excluding Tizard) before giving royal assent. Or if there is a consensus to refuse, there will be a lot of phone traffic to London.

Can't really see it happening

The GG giving Royal Assent is a formality - the last time Royal Assent was refused was in 1708 apparantly. I can't find any other examples of this having happened since. There is no way that the GG who is acting on behalf of the Queen would step into this debate.

The only way of using a petition to wield power would be if it demanded a referendum , with the referendum demanding a disolution of parliament and an election. The question posed in a referendum has to be very carefully worded and agreed in advance as part of the petition. I'm not sure how you'd frame a question along the lines of "Do you think the government are a bunch of crooks?"

You'd then need to get the signatures of 10% of the population and away you go. Easy, as the NZ Flag change campaign people will tell you. What happened to them, by the way?

Yes, I've signed the petition as a show of public feeling and that's really important, but as to whether it has any actual affect? Sorry, no, it won't.

My suggestion? Phone Bush and tell him we've just found decades worth of oil under the Beehive and Clark is keeping it a secret - hopefully he'll send the army round quick snap. That's what he does with dictators.

Edited by zaphod on Thursday 19th October 17:53


823 posts

289 months

Thursday 19th October 2006
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I'd rather have Helen than Bush!

Oh, erm, perhaps I should re-phrase that!

Richard Gee

201 posts

218 months

Sunday 22nd October 2006
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They ALL make me sick. And it's not true that UK ones fall on their swords after a cock-up. Blair, Fatty Three Jags/Pies etc - what they DO do is get some underling to fall on their sword for them......

Do like watching Parliament here on the TV - they come across as total and utter buffoons. At least the UK Parliament has some semblence of a debate even if they are a complete and utter waste of space. The ones here are a joke. Sorry, no offence intended, it's just an opinion! I could name credible UK politicians on the fingers of both hands - are there any down here I can try to like?


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

288 months

Tuesday 24th October 2006
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Richard Gee said:
They ALL make me sick. And it's not true that UK ones fall on their swords after a cock-up. Blair, Fatty Three Jags/Pies etc - what they DO do is get some underling to fall on their sword for them......

Do like watching Parliament here on the TV - they come across as total and utter buffoons. At least the UK Parliament has some semblence of a debate even if they are a complete and utter waste of space. The ones here are a joke. Sorry, no offence intended, it's just an opinion! I could name credible UK politicians on the fingers of both hands - are there any down here I can try to like?

Hence our frustration.... NZ is a gnat's whisker away from perfection..... Helen and her cronies are that sodding whisker!