

Kiwi XTR2

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2,693 posts

237 months

Friday 26th August 2005
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[quote=ONE News][big][b]Drivers get Fog-Light Warning[/big][/b]

Aug 26, 2005

Thousands of New Zealand drivers have been warned by Land Transport New Zealand that they face fines for misusing their car fog-lights.

Drivers who use fog-lights during the day, or night, can now receive a $150 fine, unless they are actually driving in foggy, or some other extreme weather conditions.

Motorists say that using fog-lights - which are usually yellow and angled downwards - makes it easier to see and be seen.

But Land Transport New Zealand (LTNZ) says the lights can dazzle oncoming drivers.

"They're not meant to be used when visibility is clear because... that does present a real danger to other road users, because they can blind other road users and cause crashes," says Andy Knackstedt of LTNZ.

Land Transport NZ says problems with lighting on vehicles contributes to seven deaths and 88 injuries on New Zealand roads every year.

The Automobile Association however says the new law is hard on motorists, who already face a raft of road rules.

"We've got a concern that there are a lot of things added there that increase the number of things you can be fined for - this is just one of many," says the AA's Jayne Gale.

In over three months in one area of Wellington alone, police stopped 500 motorists for improper headlight use and warn they will not turn a blind eye to blinding lights.[/quote]
Other than the occasional one that's way out of alignment, I've always found [b]rear[/b] foglights to be more annoying than front ones ?


7,772 posts

248 months

Friday 26th August 2005
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Land Transport NZ says problems with lighting on vehicles contributes to seven deaths and 88 injuries on New Zealand roads every year.
I wonder how many of those where caused by fog lights in use during daylight hours?

I don’t see the problem with using dipped headlights and possibly if you have suitable items, foglights during daytime hours. I think many Swedish cars have running lights as an automatic feature because studies have proven that it reduces accidents, also nearly standard on motorcycles now to be on low beam all the time.

Not so many months ago we had a shortfall in police to pursue serious cases in Auckland, now they have police driving around hunting down unsuspecting members of the public on minor technical violations.


819 posts

288 months

Friday 26th August 2005
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Depends on the car, I reckon, some point down and are ok, but a lot point straight out and dazzle oncoming cars. But if the driving conditions warrant switching lights on, shouldn't you just switch your headlights on, or that too obvious?

I agree though, having rear fog lights on when it isn't foggy is just plain stupid, as it makes it harder to notice the brake lights coming on...

I was driving past a old guy the other day around lunchtime, a lovely sunny day, and he had all his lights on, headlights, front fogs, rear fogs, the lot.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

237 months

Friday 26th August 2005
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wedgepilot said:
I was driving past a old guy the other day around lunchtime, a lovely sunny day, and he had all his lights on, headlights, front fogs, rear fogs, the lot.
It always seems to be an "old guy" with the rear-fogs on.

They inveriably also have stiff necks and can't reverse to save their life (or the lives of the pedestrians walking behind them).


772 posts

288 months

Sunday 28th August 2005
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I cant understand this at all. Ive owned two cars that had factory fog lights and theyre totally ineffective. Theyre that dim even if you stick your head hard against them in the middle of night your not gonna get dazzled.

Most peoples indicators are brighter.

A few years ago my factory crx ones were in place but i didnt have a switch for them so they didnt go. The testing station told me I had to wire them on permantely or remove them completly. Why the total change of tac?


6,370 posts

288 months

Sunday 28th August 2005
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I think it's bollox myself... the only "fog" lights I find annoying are the big GIANT ones mounted to the bullbars of 4WDs... they can be really annoying since they're invariably badly aligned... never had a problem with "driving" lights.

I often used to use the driving lights on the TR7 in tandem with the didelights on the TR7 as it meant I didn't have to havve the popups up and it didn't really warrant anything more than a light to mke me more visible in "half light"... They were angled well down and off to the side so as to give more peripheral vision in conjunction with my main beams at night.... not dazzling at all.....

REAR fogs REALLY piss me off.... can't STAND being behind one on a clear night... burns red glare into your retinas.... usually if I'm behind one I'll just drive behind them with the main beams on but they never seen to get the message, most of them probably think I'm just being a w*nker who forgot to dip.... Funnily enough it nearly ALWAYS seems to be old blokes in German cars.


4,391 posts

262 months

Monday 29th August 2005
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Mmm seems a bit over the top to me. Actually the only problem I have with on coming lights is the new bright lights put in new cars of today, or rice boys with the aftermarket new lights. Otherwise its just another penny pincher.