Bomb attack - London



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

262 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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My deepest sympathy's to all being affected by this. I hope your families in London have not been tarnished by this horrific event. Simons has yet to find out by his London relatives if all is o.k. Quite a few million people rely on the Tube everyday to get to work. Its a scary thought.

I hope the British gov uses its best to hunt down these savage b@stards and string them up. These Muslim terrorists which have made claim to the blast need culling out fast. Unfortunately these people are riddled into society so well it would be hard to tell whos bad and whos not. Guess we will have to sit tight and see what happens next.


6,370 posts

288 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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kylie said:
I hope the British gov uses its best to hunt down these savage b@stards and string them up. These Muslim terrorists which have made claim to the blast need culling out fast. Unfortunately these people are riddled into society so well it would be hard to tell whos bad and whos not. Guess we will have to sit tight and see what happens next.

Hear hear! Time for a strike back methinks..... kinda like the attitude the guy "Gabriel" has in the movie "Swordfish" (yes you should have all watched it, it's got a Tuscan in it) .... retaliate and beat these barsturds at their own game!

All my family and friends (except for one friend, whose whereabouts are still not known) are okay and the remaining friend I expect will be okay as I have a feeling she's not in that area.... thanking lucky stars this morning for that though.

roger a

1,267 posts

245 months

Friday 8th July 2005
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and then they retaliate and then you do and then they do..
I'm not sure we want terrorism-tennis of the kind that halfwit in the Whitehouse is perpetuating.
I like the story of Nelson Mandela, who kept to his own ideals despite intolerable( to most)provocation. Evidently they had to keep changing the guards "looking after" him as his consistent civility and warmth in the face of abuse and overt hatred was doing their heads in! I think something that destroyed their perceived martyr status (assuming they were suicide bombers) would be far more effective.(such as what, Roger...) I don't think the death penalty is much of a deterrant to those immersed in what is, to my mind, a death-cult anyway.
I rang an English mate today whose niece was on the bus immediately behind that which was destroyed. Certainly put a few of my current petty grievances into perspective.
(My most-pompous posting title is, thus far, unthreatened!)

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

256 months

Friday 8th July 2005
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Shocking... I spent Monday and Tuesday in London before flying back to NZ (now in Auckland). Terrible scenes, fortunately none of my friends or ex-workmates caught up in it.

Although I despise the terrorists for what they're doing, I'm afraid Bush and by association Blair have brought this to Britain through their arrogant and clumsy meddling in the Middle East. This is going to get worse before it gets better, and it's only going to get better when the US (and Britain) are eventually forced out of Iraq by their voting public.

all black

182 posts

267 months

Sunday 10th July 2005
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My office is about 100m from St Marys hospital, 500m from the Edgware Rd tube station and 200m from Paddington station - Thursday was hell and Friday going past the tube station and hospital was eery

I have never felt so much for the victims and families of those who were in the attacks than last week when I was in the middle of the action.

Forget the politics for a minute and say a prayer for those who need it


823 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th July 2005
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My wife's cousin is a radiologist at St Mary's so you can imagine how freaked out her mother was! Fortunately, the cousin missed the blasts and walked to work obviously conscious of the all-hands-on-deck scenerio.

I tried a couple of times to get through on the phone to family and friends but gave up. I'll phone this week but I'm pretty sure no one I know should have been going through the affected areas at that time.

Any terrorists that think they'll beat Brits into submission this way don't know us very well. We've lived with the threat of terrorism for years (IRA) and nobody ever stopped doing what they wanted because there was a chance some nutter was going to turn himself into puree.

The ironic thing is there are plenty of muslims and other nationalities and ethnicities missing or injured as a result of the bombs.

Most of the general public sympathise with what the Americans (and to a lesser extent the GB government) has done to the middle east. In the case of Saddam it was too little, far too late.