Keeping Left


Kiwi XTR2

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2,693 posts

237 months

Friday 1st April 2005
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Does anyone know if the Traffic Regulations for keeping left on multi-lane roads are actually different in NZ compared to the UK.

Obviously the general practice is different

I've been told that the regulations are the same but the interpretation is different. Anyone know the real facts on this one ???

>>> Edited by Kiwi XTR2 on Friday 1st April 08:11


785 posts

241 months

Friday 1st April 2005
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This is my biggest bug bear since comming home,I now frequently overtake left on the motorway.
Ive heard although i'm probably wrong,that each lane is viewed as a seperate road(if that makes sense).
If these F*ckw!ts in Wellington realised all they have to do is put up a few "Keep Left" signs every k or so,the road toll would go down drastiticly.
Makes me sick.


155 posts

235 months

Friday 1st April 2005
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NZers just do not know the "keep to the left" - on UK dual lanes it si a pleasure the 2nd and 3rd lanes seem to be overtaking lanes - here - duh - they seem to treat the right lane of a dual carriage way for 100kmh and the left lane for less than 80kmh and in between oh lets see - take your pick.

Nothing like a Commodore bearing down fast with lights on to make them move over left (the raised fist sometimes help)

I recall the UK it was actually an offence to overtake on the left. Here in NZ it is only ADVISABLE to overtake on the right - I could stand corrected on this.

Comes back to ignorant tossers in Wellington who have never got out of there own back yard. They seem to think the only offence ever is the one of exceeding 100kmh.

And they still will not let me bring a Cerebra in!


61 posts

238 months

Saturday 2nd April 2005
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How often is this really an issue? What are there like 200kms of dual lane highway in the country? No wonder NZers don't know what to do.

Sadly in the US, where interstates are rampant, they are getting worse and worse.


6,370 posts

288 months

Monday 4th April 2005
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Agree with it totally... mind you like it has been said, our motorway network is so small basically it doesn't NEED rules.... but yeah... driver training here is awful... most kiwis would look back at you with a blank experession if you told them "mirror, signal, manoeuvre" ..... here it's just manoeuvre... everything else is purely optional.

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

237 months

Monday 4th April 2005
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gtivr4 said:
How often is this really an issue

At least twice a day !!!

In lightish traffic, anywhere near an on-ramp or off-ramp, the LH lane is almost always the quickest.

But getting back to the main question . . . Does anyone actually know what the UK regulations are ? Or know where to find them on the web ?

I've done a bit of a search but only found bs-n-moans rather than the actual regulatons

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

256 months

Monday 4th April 2005
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Here you go - from here

Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.

Interestingly, it looks like this is guidance rather than a rule because it doesn't have the red 'MUST NOT' statement that is used elsewhere on this page. eg "you MUST NOT use the hard shoulder for overtaking"


823 posts

289 months

Monday 4th April 2005
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Does it also say you MUST leave a three-second gap between cars? Try driving up someones arse like most people do in NZ and see where that gets you with Mr Plod UK.

The annoying thing is the police in NZ are only too happy to nick you for speeding on an open country road with no traffic, great visibility etc but when some little tt is sat 2 inches off your rear bumper right under the nose of the copper next to you he turns a blind eye.

Now I'm driving in from Drury each day (40kms each way, 30mins at 6.30am/6.30pm) I'm seeing more and more seriously stupid antics. I'm considering installing my video camera in the car to film all the eejits that cut me up in the morning or sit on my bumper and then pass them on to the authorities.

Oh, wait a minute, I forgot they will all be far too busy hiding all the documentation for the unsolved murders and rapes under the carpet to take notice!

Kiwi XTR2

Original Poster:

2,693 posts

237 months

Tuesday 5th April 2005
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Drury ? ? ?

That means you're very close to our Honourable Minister of