And so it begins..... (RANT)

And so it begins..... (RANT)



Original Poster:

571 posts

281 months

Monday 6th September 2004
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I think I'll do my mate Esprit proud with this one, but I've just gotta vent my spleen for once.

More inmates take legal action

Sep 6, 2004

Inmates on remand have joined legal action by prisoners over the conditions they are being kept in.

Five Paremoremo prisoners were last week awarded $130,000 compensation and now another seven men claim they have been held for up to five days in cold and cramped court cells.

Three men are complaining about their treatment in the Manukau District Court cells where they were held for several nights. They were remand prisoners waiting to have their day in court - and they are victims of prison overcrowding.

Auckland QC Grant Illingworth claims their treatment at the Manukau court, which is not even warranted to accommodate them overnight, included having no bedding, inadequate food and led to suicidal feelings.

Another prominent criminal lawyer in Auckland has also launched legal action on behalf of four men who have been been held in court cells at Manukau and Auckland District Court for up to five days. Marie Dyhrberg's clients have also claimed bad treatment, including a roster devised by themselves to determine who would stand and who would lie in the cramped cells.

"The conditions include sleeping on the ground with a blanket only, no pillow, no mattress, no toothbrushes, no showers, no clean clothes in really confined conditions," says Dyhrberg.

She says the overcrowding is caused by tougher laws which mean more men are in prison and by judges who are less willing to release offenders on bail.

This just BRUNS ME UP!

yes I know, the feel they were treated like "animals", in my view, YOU CRIMINALS ARE FCKN ANIMALS!!!!
I always thought you went to prison because you choose to disregard the laws of civilised society as punishment, NOT A FCKN paid holiday with Sky and Playstations etc!!!

The next civil lib I meet will likely get a punch in the face!

Wont somebody think of the victums!

Welcome to the compensation culture New Zealand.

And Breathe.....


6,370 posts

288 months

Monday 6th September 2004
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couldn't have ranted it better myself...... and I think it's pretty topical seeing as we're all constantly told that if we speed in this country that's tantamount to murder...... while the real crims get to play what amounts to "lotto" on the penal system..... I'm sure this will set a precedent for MANY more lawsuits to follow from prisoners.... if you can sue for this, then they'll be able to sue because they didn't have a north-facing cell to ge the sun, sue because the prison guard gave them a cold, sue because the prison DVD library doesn't have the latest releases etc....... never mind.... we're all petrolheads so we'll end up on the inside eventually... then maybe we can have a piece of this rather lucrative pie...... mmmmmm pie


263 posts

245 months

Monday 6th September 2004
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Ahhh what can you do. Other than take a law degree and become a barrister which seems to be about the best growth industry in New Zealand- look at the RMA and the Treaty lawyers and legal aid firms protecting Algerian terrorists.

What interests me is that it sets an extremely dangerous precedent for private cases for compensation which hasn't really been a major feature of the New Zealand legal system. Most compensation cases were as a result of injury or accident and ACC got rid of the direct responsibility of companies for these accidents. I really sincerely hope that this isn't a step towards the litigiousness of the USA where I'm sure you could sue someone for sticking their tongue out at you.

I do believe however that the Justice Minister Phil Goff is appealing these decisions (quite rightly as well) because he finds the verdict "personally offensive". See for more.

It is extremely rich for someone who took away another person's right to live their life in peace to complain that their rights are being abused and frankly they can shoot them for all I care. Its a case of a Pot.... a kettle.... and that colour that looks so beautiful draped over kylie's Esprit


6,370 posts

288 months

Monday 6th September 2004
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well said htsd ..... it does set a dangerous precedent and you're right, it's more often than not the lawyers that have a lot to answer for in these cases!


4,391 posts

262 months

Tuesday 7th September 2004
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htsd said:

It is extremely rich for someone who took away another person's right to live their life in peace to complain that their rights are being abused and frankly they can shoot them for all I care. Its a case of a Pot.... a kettle.... and that colour that looks so beautiful draped over kylie's Esprit

Hey hey leave my baby out it


6,370 posts

288 months

Tuesday 7th September 2004
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Hehehe well that's probably a pot, a kettle and something like "midnight echo" or "deep shadow" or some other equally over-the-top late 1980's paint-colour name :P


263 posts

245 months

Tuesday 7th September 2004
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Hey someone had to tie it in to automobilia somehow!!


772 posts

288 months

Tuesday 7th September 2004
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Esprit said:
Hehehe well that's probably a pot, a kettle and something like "midnight echo" or "deep shadow" or some other equally over-the-top late 1980's paint-colour name :P

This had me wondering so I looked it up

Before 1992 there were two black colours available and they were called ...wait for and metallic black and the paint codes are A02 and A10 respectively (just to prove I didnt make it up :P )

Bit of a let down


6,370 posts

288 months

Tuesday 7th September 2004
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Yeah indeed....... bloody typical of lotus though, functional, to the point and no extra waffle to get in the way of the pure colour-naming experience


4,391 posts

262 months

Wednesday 8th September 2004
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Ahh yes looking at my 1988-92 Lotus manual there are 4 names that are plain out of 40 odd that have more interesting code names, so not too bad. Just some additional info for those who care, Lotus was quite ahead of its time in the development of composite mouldings, usage of self exotherming gelcoats, polyester resins and colour matching metallic paints which was a very tricky task to do considering the lack of software they had at the time. Their colour range was quite large considering the number of vehicles overall actually made.
Some of the colours where asked for by the first owner of the vehicle when it was in the making stage, thats if you were lucky enough to order a brand new car. The colours, interior etc were tweaked to suit market trends of that time.

Its funny how things change though, soft leathers, big dials and 70's, 80's body stylings are back in fashion.


6,370 posts

288 months

Wednesday 8th September 2004
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Very true Kylie...... so it's only a matter of time until the garish tartan trim adorning my TR seats is again a statement of high-fashion........ I've never driven a car that makes you feel as much like Jacie tewart when you climb in as my TR does :P


823 posts

289 months

Wednesday 8th September 2004
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More like Rod Stewart than Jackie Stewart! (remember his strides in the days of 'I am sailing'?).

The only tartan that should be found in a car is in the weave of the lovely woolen picnic rug you'd have in the boot of your Bentley - the only place you'll also find that other motoring no-no, wicker!


Original Poster:

571 posts

281 months

Thursday 9th September 2004
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Esprit said:
Very true Kylie...... so it's only a matter of time until the garish tartan trim adorning my TR seats is again a statement of high-fashion........ I've never driven a car that makes you feel as much like Jacie tewart when you climb in as my TR does :P

hmm make that tartan a bit ligher colour and you've almost got....


I I've found you out Chav-boy!!!

Now can we get back on topic?

>> Edited by Izza on Thursday 9th September 01:17


267 posts

289 months

Thursday 9th September 2004
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Hold on.... Didn't the article say that they were on remand therefore they had not been tried yet. Ie. There could be some innocent people in there.... If they were guilty then fair enough but I think that it sounds like the conditions for remand prisoners really was a little poor to be honest.

However it sounds like the compensation culture is starting to take a hold down there which is a pity.


823 posts

289 months

Thursday 9th September 2004
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It's the inconsistencies that really wind people up I think. For instance, you could be working in a factory and due to the company's incompetence you manage to lose an arm in a choppy-munchy machine. Normally you could take the company for millions but here in NZ (due to some very odd laws/regulations/ACC cobblers) you'll get a fiver, a packet of crisps and two elastic bands and the factory will get a slap on the wrist.

Meanwhile we've got prisoners claiming huge sums of cash because they fell down the stairs at the local cinema whilst out on a jolly!


6,370 posts

288 months

Friday 10th September 2004
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jamieheasman said:
It's the inconsistencies that really wind people up I think. For instance, you could be working in a factory and due to the company's incompetence you manage to lose an arm in a choppy-munchy machine. Normally you could take the company for millions but here in NZ (due to some very odd laws/regulations/ACC cobblers) you'll get a fiver, a packet of crisps and two elastic bands and the factory will get a slap on the wrist.

Meanwhile we've got prisoners claiming huge sums of cash because they fell down the stairs at the local cinema whilst out on a jolly!

Jamie.... couldn't have said it better myself.... and as for the prisoners being on remand, I know one of the recipients is now a convicted murderer so he's hardly Mary Whitehouse..... I'm also of the firm belief that what these guys "suffered through" is not really anything like the hardship they SHOULD be suffering!


9 posts

242 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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*curses and swears*
it's absolutely fckin ludicrous and pisses me off something chronic. it gives me absolutely no fckin faith in the justice system whatso bloody ever.
and i agree... what about the bloody victims??
those bastard criminals deserve worse than that. now if they'd been kept in those conditions and it turned out the were INNOCENT, that's one thing... but if they're guilty of a fcking crime they deserve far worse than that. this country's justice system is a fcking push over. people get away with rape and battery because people are too afraid to speak out because nothing is done about it. half the criminals get a slap on the wrist... and maybe a fine... oh WOW a fckng FINE... so they can go out and fck someone elses' fcking life up. a$$holes.
i am so furious i can barely articulate... and given how well i normally manage to write what i'm thinking,... that means i'm pretty fcking volatile... furious beyond any ability to express myself with words.... burn the fcking prisons with the crimmys inside!