Interesting Forum


2ba 355

Original Poster:

166 posts

260 months

Monday 30th August 2004
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Hi all,
I have been studying this NZ forum for some time now and there have been some very interesting topics posted, particularly the views on your country. I too, am in the throws of applying for residency ( under the business investor category)This is not a rushed decision it has taken my wife and our 2 boys nearly 2 years to make the decision. We spent a month in NZ last Christmas touring some of the North Island and have since purchased an "investment" property in Tauranga . This will count towards the money needed to be invested into the country. As my wife and I ( sounds very Royal !!) are coming over again in November for just over 2 weeks , I would appreciate opinions on what is happening in the Property market more recently as we need to look at another investment property. We would like to catch a flight down to Christchurch to have a look around. Although we would initially base ourselves in Tauranga ( I have an Uncle who lives there) I don't want to put all our eggs in one basket. Are any areas slowing down now due to economic changes ? Is waterfront property still growing strongly ? We would need to buy a place that could be rented out and managed.
If funds allow I would consider bringing my car over as I am so excited by everyones enthusiam for track days and general meets. I am amazed at how many Brits are on their way already !! Apologies to Ted for this post being not being too car related, but this is the only forum I can find for like minded car enthusiasts who come from all walks of life in NZ who give interesting and balanced opinions.
Looking forward to coming over again !


78 posts

253 months

Monday 30th August 2004
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Extrememly briefly
Property market still very strong - but definitely slowing down due to previous overheating in some areas
Your experience in Tauranga will certainly guide you - Tauranga expected to continue to be very strong
Interest rates on the way up, and property returns hopefully on the way up - yields slowly rising
Theres an awful lot of money still waiting to be invested - and a number of people holding back a bit


6,370 posts

288 months

Monday 30th August 2004
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yeah I'll echo tvr_nz's comments, investment etc IS slowing down but it's more of a lull or a dip in the market rather than an impending crash..... even if the world's due for a few tough years economically, NZ property still should be a pretty solid investment as it remains cheapish by world standards. Do expect quite a dip though as in many areas (Auckland and the typical holiday destinations especially, Queenstown/Wanaka, Marlborough Sounds etc probably more so as they're way overinflated at the moment). Steer clear of highrise apartment developments like the plague, oversupply and little demand means a market already on the down is about to take a big bath.... and little saleability as most NZers want their 1/4 acre dream not some shoebox on the 18th floor. Housing developments etc have done alright in the past but again these are faltering. I think you summed it up when you said costal property...... Whatever the economic climate, prime coastal property will always be in demand to some degree so you can't go too farr wrong there. Tauranga's a good starting place and may I reccomend Christchurch too, best place in NZ I've ever lived in that's for sure. What sort of business/job are you looking at getting into over here? What industry? See my post(s) on THIS thread if you haven't already as it's a pretty good summary.


772 posts

288 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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I wouldnt buy in any part of NZ expecting to make large capital gains in the recent future. But if your buying to live or invest theres no reason why it shouldnt retain its value and still cover all its costs if you rented it out.

Not sure about up north but down here (dunedin) its still bloody hard to find a property to rent, though it does seem like theres far too many apartments being built.

Interest rates are higher now than theyve been for awhile and id imagine theyre gonna go higher still so could be room to pick up something cheap from someone who was over leveraged and cant afford to keep it anymore


4,391 posts

262 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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Yes we are looking to buy and sell over summer in Auckland. Its not going to be easy for the things we want, but hopefully prices will be more stable in a few months time and hopefully be in a position to neg a good price off someone. As already said we will be up against increasing interest rates though, which really sucks. Going on previous trends, hopefully they will drop away. Yeah right


957 posts

263 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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i'd prepare yourself for half of a % rise in interest rates this next month......its looking that way!

2ba 355

Original Poster:

166 posts

260 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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Thanks to all for the response. Its interesting to hear your views on areas like Marlborough Sounds as I have noticed a few properties for sale there with stunning views. Does this mean they will take a hit now as they are over inflated ?

Esprit, we are in Medical supplies for patients on Haemodialysis. It is tough market over here ! but we are doing OK. I have looked into doing the same in NZ but as you have a small population, the number of dialysis patients is small so initially we will look at property . Nice TR by the way

Kylie, it would be interesting to hear how you get on with your property quest. ( like the Esprit. Your reg number would cost a bomb over here !)

Thanks for the comments on apartments. You have made me feel that we made the right decision to purchase a house in Papamoa,1 road back from the beach on a 850m2 section which we can subdivide in the future.

Are there any other Ferrari dealerships in NZ ? or is it just Auckland ? Would a UK 355 pass the NZ frontal impact criteria ??

What is the base rate in NZ now ?

Maybe I will get a chance to meet you lot one day


6,370 posts

288 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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[quote=2ba 355]Thanks to all for the response. Its interesting to hear your views on areas like Marlborough Sounds as I have noticed a few properties for sale there with stunning views. Does this mean they will take a hit now as they are over inflated ?

Esprit, we are in Medical supplies for patients on Haemodialysis. It is tough market over here ! but we are doing OK. I have looked into doing the same in NZ but as you have a small population, the number of dialysis patients is small so initially we will look at property . Nice TR by the way

Hi James,

F355s will meet NZ crash criteria as they have been crashtested and passed to Euro NCAP standards...... the thing with brands like TVR/Noble etc are that they're too large-scale to get in under our piffly allocation of "specialist manufacture" cars but too small to go about crashtesting a load of cars. Any Ferrari I'd imagine would be fine for importing.

The section yo have sounds like a solid invstment.... even if the worst happens and a general slump sets in and all property prices take a dive, in the longer term (8-10 years) you can't lose.... NZ costal property will always be in some demand, just moreso during an economic boom. As for Marlborough, it's possible that prices will dip significantly as generally these stunning properties can only be afforded by the wealthy, or people like yourselves bringing foreign money that gears well against our low-valued economy. Both of these types of people tend to be scarce when there's a recession/depression so the law of supply/demand states that yes these properties will definitely suffer.... but again, as I've said above, it's swings and roundabouts, the market will eventually return, undoubtedly stronger than before and you'll not lose out..... rest assured that you'll probably not regret such a purchase as even if prices dipped, you'd be able to get lots of enjoyment out of living there until prices returned to higher levels!

You'll find that NZ as a small country goes is quite active in the biomedical field.... quite a nimble environment to be in if you're looking at expanding or growing your expertise in other areas.

As Kylie's plate attests, they're very cheap over here.... any combination (non-offensive) of six letters and numbers can be used, provided someone else hasn't gotten in before you, and they cost about NZ$500 new for whatever you want (you can on-sell it for whatever you can get for it once you've got it). Generally you still have to be creative (don't think you'll still be able to get F355 or anything like that, unless it's for resale at inflated price), but something will be available. Check out to have a play around with combinations to see what's available..... there's no restrictions on what letters have to be where etc so it's easier than the UK to spec a plate.

As for the TR, watch this space.... it's been on ice for 18 months while I pay back my student loan.... now that that's in the past my mega rebuild comes.... think the same car, shell restored to new condition, reinforced, resuspended, all with the aim of getting up to 400bhp down to the tarmac from a tweaked Rover V8...... tat's my alternative to property investment at the moment....... just as expensive, none of the financial rewards, but OH SO rewarding in many other ways


4,391 posts

262 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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Oh come on George I paid ooonnee miiillion for that!!!!


6,370 posts

288 months

Tuesday 31st August 2004
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kylie said:
Oh come on George I paid ooonnee miiillion for that!!!!

Oh yeah *chough* sorry I meant plates are REALLY expensive out here in New Zealand but Kylie's got one for sale for the once-only, bargain-basement low, low price of only $999,999.95 (inc. GST, finance available)... it's a bargain... an investment even.... you know it makes sense *cough*


772 posts

288 months

Wednesday 1st September 2004
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If you go to [url][/url]
You can see a list of most things that can be imported and registered. Ferrari isnt on there but I cant imagine there would be any problem with a F355

Plates are cheap in NZ. I just bought one brand new through a group buy (we bought 25 plates at once) for NZ$330. And like said above you have alot more freedom than in the UK


263 posts

245 months

Wednesday 1st September 2004
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So long as its a post-1996 car then it'll most likely get in (although certain cars which generations lie across the 1996 threshold have issues because they don't meet frontal impact standards). Otherwise there has to have been less than 200/year produced so it can get Low Volume Vehicle certification. OR you might want to disassemble it and hide the badges and cam covers and say its a kit car

And about the only comment I have on New Zealand is that its like anything in life- you have to make it work for you. Sitting around whingeing about stuff without either changing it or figuring out how to work around it never got anyone anywhere. If you're in Auckland, as I am, you accept that you either need to pay a fortune to live near town or you can pay less and live in the suburbs but be forced to bus or drive for some time.

I think that if you're dedicated enough to leaving the country you grew up in and have established a life in then you'll make a far better stick of making New Zealand be what you want it to be than people who have lived here forever- you've simply got more to lose if it doesn't work. There's good and bad, so enjoy the good and don't go hunting the bad aspects or thats all you'll find. Thats enough philosophy for today I think...


4,391 posts

262 months

Thursday 2nd September 2004
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htsd said:

And about the only comment I have on New Zealand is that its like anything in life- you have to make it work for you. Sitting around whingeing about stuff without either changing it or figuring out how to work around it never got anyone anywhere. If you're in Auckland, as I am, you accept that you either need to pay a fortune to live near town or you can pay less and live in the suburbs but be forced to bus or drive for some time.

I think that if you're dedicated enough to leaving the country you grew up in and have established a life in then you'll make a far better stick of making New Zealand be what you want it to be than people who have lived here forever- you've simply got more to lose if it doesn't work. There's good and bad, so enjoy the good and don't go hunting the bad aspects or thats all you'll find. Thats enough philosophy for today I think...

agree totally with all said, too many people find excuses about everything and so negative about life and not getting off their rear to do something about it. I used to have a screen saver on my computer which I wrote "Plan your your plan" Such a simple meaningful quote.

2ba 355

Original Poster:

166 posts

260 months

Thursday 2nd September 2004
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I agree totally with this way of thinking. If you leave your home country and try and take it with you to wherever you emigrate to, it will be much harder to integrate. Take the example of some of the ex pats down in Spain etc. There are more "English" style Pubs and eateries than in some home towns ! We feel that if we don't try this now ,we will always be wondering what if . Lifes too short and all that !! When we come over in November,it will be my fourth trip to NZ.

Thanks for all the info re the car and impact tests etc. Please keep the opinions coming in !

I really appreciate everyones views and I have already had a very kind offer of help with property valuation.



4,391 posts

262 months

Thursday 2nd September 2004
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Here you go, theres a club in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Might be worthwhile talking to some owners by emailing the club on importing and also what events the club do. I do not know the background reputation of these clubs but its worthwhile for you to check it out esp to meeting other owners.

2ba 355

Original Poster:

166 posts

260 months

Thursday 2nd September 2004
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Thanks Kylie !