V8s in the city?



Original Poster:

571 posts

287 months

Wednesday 14th July 2004
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Ok just cause I've started 2 threads about the Ozzie V8 Supercars, DOSENT mean I'm a closet Holden or Ford fan.
Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Seems to be quite topical at the moment.
Just wondering what everyones opinion is.
Good idea or nightmare?
What do people think of Pukekohe? And what does moving the race into Auckland going to do to NZs No1 race track?
Does the place need a big investment to bring it up to standard?
Having never been there I cant really comment but from what I know it's basically and oval with a hairpin and chicane, bloody bumpy and with sh1te facilities.

I would start a poll but I dont know how.

Ruapuna would be the best place IMHO, not that I'm a one-eyed Cantab or anything


772 posts

294 months

Wednesday 14th July 2004
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Im a big motor racing fan (who here isnt)and I dont give a stuff about aucklanders being stuck in traffic jams so I should in theory be all in favour of this


Im not. This is a stupid idea. The track looks pretty crap its just a couple of big straights probably with a chicane or two to slow them down. Street circuits are always filled with carnage but never any passing so it wont be a great race for spectators or the drivers.

Plus despite me not caring Auckland has terrible traffic problems at the best of times. This is gonna make it infinetly worse.

Should go to a proper circuit, While Ruapuna is a good circuit I dont think it has the facilities for an event of this size yet.

Another brilliant decision by John Banks


823 posts

295 months

Wednesday 14th July 2004
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I must say whilst I think some of those points are valid they don't detract from the fact that from the city's perspective it's a good idea. Hell, any motorsport is a good idea!

There are lots of street races held around the world and yes, some are a bit of a parade (Monaco) but very charismatic (Monaco!). They also bring in a lot of money for the city and if handled properly generally go to show that the roads don't need to be as congested as they usually are. After all, the proposed date for this particular street race is over a long weekend. If people are prepared for it I don't think it will be an issue. I'm very much in favour of the race.

Now, Pukekohe. Every time I go there I look at the location and the amount of space there is available and the lack of facilities and I think, why? Why has New Zealand wasted millions of dollars of money (for example) on an elitest, limited appeal sport like yatching when that money could have been plowed into a permanent and far more accessible sporting venue.

OK, it would take a LOT of money to get Pukekohe up to FIA standards but why not try? The V8 supercars attract huge numbers there (which would only be increased if there were two races on successive weekends, one street race, one Pukekohe incidentally) so you can imagine what the Champ cars, IRL (if only they'd race on something other than a doughnut), International GTs or even Formula 1 would bring.

The best bit about it is NZ could feed off the success of the Aussies! The big logistical problem of having a big international motor race in any country is transporting everything in and then back again. I've heard it several times that if it wasn't for the sheer success of the Aussie F1 race they wouldn't bother - it's just so much work. Now I imagine that the relative cost to 'pop-across' the ditch the following week would make a race in NZ very attractive, especially given NZ's close ties to F1.

Oh dear, I've started now haven't I? Sorry, you've hit upon something I find frustrating - millions of dollars on a boat that was slow and broke and nought for one of the most popular sports in the country!


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 24th July 2004
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Paul.... I sympathise but I reckon it's all good.... for starters, bukekohe is a crap assed track anyway, it's about as exciting as custard down the trousers and it's just a power circuit.... that's about it..... it's being retired in a few years so I hear.... I think it may be becoming too built-up around there and they may rip the track out for noise reasons (don't even get me STARTED on this) but it may mean another completely new track for the Auckland region within the next decade..... as for the street circuit, I don't believe there will be huge traffic problems..... they get motorway closures at peak hours with accidents, and although it causes disruption it's not so bad.... people are just going to have to travel earlier from the shore for a week or so. From my direction it's no different though.... also, the track might look boring on paper but it's got some huge elevational changes that I believe will give it some real individuality amongst street circuits in this part of the world, and it should be a winde circuit the whole way round which should make for some good braking battles.... mind you, I could have thought of a few better circuit layouts in Auckland to use, but their position would have meant a much greater logistical nightmare..... I'm all for it


5,166 posts

228 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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I just don't understand the fascination for street races. Now the V8s are leaving Pukekoe for a race in Hamilton (IIRC?) what will happen to the track? Is it to be lost? We face the same in WA, there has been a long term push for the V8s to leave Wanneroo for a street race in Perth. I've no doubt those behind it are driven by $ but the V8 round provides most of the annual income to keep the WASCC and Wanneroo going.
Not only do we lose permanent circuits (and consequently lots of other motorsport) but the street races are invariably the most processional and boring!


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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madazrx7 said:
I just don't understand the fascination for street races. Now the V8s are leaving Pukekoe for a race in Hamilton (IIRC?) what will happen to the track? Is it to be lost? We face the same in WA, there has been a long term push for the V8s to leave Wanneroo for a street race in Perth. I've no doubt those behind it are driven by $ but the V8 round provides most of the annual income to keep the WASCC and Wanneroo going.
Not only do we lose permanent circuits (and consequently lots of other motorsport) but the street races are invariably the most processional and boring!
Pukekohe is winding down anyway, has been for years..... we've got a shiny new track being built smile (not so much of the shiny at the moment, but it will be!)


772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Wow thats an old thread. I must have been rather angry when I wrote it, it dont even sound like meeek


9,335 posts

218 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Esprit said:
Pukekohe is winding down anyway, has been for years..... we've got a shiny new track being built smile (not so much of the shiny at the moment, but it will be!)
It would be a real shame to lose Pukekohe, that track has a lot of heritage.


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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kiwisr said:
Esprit said:
Pukekohe is winding down anyway, has been for years..... we've got a shiny new track being built smile (not so much of the shiny at the moment, but it will be!)
It would be a real shame to lose Pukekohe, that track has a lot of heritage.
Sadly, it's a shared venue with the local horse-training industry (the car track was there first)... and I think after Hampton Downs comes online, it'll be phased out and eventually will be disused (I'd imagine).

NZ has a great history of letting its good tracks go to waste..... Levin, Wigram etc..... Pukekohe and Teretonga are the only two "historical" tracks left.

I hope it carries on, and it may do as a driver-traning facility, and sometimes-racetrack, but it's just not safe enough to host fast cars any more (the runoffs are too small/nonexistant) but it may become a club circuit?

Interesting piece of trivia... Pukekohe has the fastest average speed of any track in the southern hemisphere.


16,018 posts

241 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Esprit said:
Interesting piece of trivia... Pukekohe has the fastest average speed of any track in the southern hemisphere.
Interesting, I'd heard the same thing about Teretonga. Unless they were talking about top speed reached rather than average, but you'd be doing well to beat Bathurst for that one.

ETA: On the Teretonga website records page I found a 184 km/h average speed for their lap record (Greg Murphy in a Formula Holden), any idea what the quickest average for Pukekohe is?

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 11th September 13:08


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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GravelBen said:
Esprit said:
Interesting piece of trivia... Pukekohe has the fastest average speed of any track in the southern hemisphere.
Interesting, I'd heard the same thing about Teretonga. Unless they were talking about top speed reached rather than average, but you'd be doing well to beat Bathurst for that one.

ETA: On the Teretonga website records page I found a 184 km/h average speed for their lap record (Greg Murphy in a Formula Holden), any idea what the quickest average for Pukekohe is?

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 11th September 13:08
Lap record for a TRS car is just under 55s, which is 187km/h.... a Formula Holden car has the outright record at 52.XXs, which must be well over 190km.h making it substantially faster than Teretonga smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 11th September 2007
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Esprit said:
Paul.... I sympathise but I reckon it's all good.... for starters, bukekohe is a crap assed track anyway, it's about as exciting as custard down the trousers and it's just a power circuit.... that's about it..... it's being retired in a few years so I hear.... I think it may be becoming too built-up around there and they may rip the track out for noise reasons (don't even get me STARTED on this) but it may mean another completely new track for the Auckland region within the next decade..... as for the street circuit, I don't believe there will be huge traffic problems..... they get motorway closures at peak hours with accidents, and although it causes disruption it's not so bad.... people are just going to have to travel earlier from the shore for a week or so. From my direction it's no different though.... also, the track might look boring on paper but it's got some huge elevational changes that I believe will give it some real individuality amongst street circuits in this part of the world, and it should be a winde circuit the whole way round which should make for some good braking battles.... mind you, I could have thought of a few better circuit layouts in Auckland to use, but their position would have meant a much greater logistical nightmare..... I'm all for it smile
Was that typo deliberate rofl