Tuscan engine



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 26th April 2004
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Fellow Chimaera/Griff owners have just seen a tuscan racer (rover) 4.5 bottom end for sale on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2475176720&category=10414) and it's in Newry. Could be just the thing for a project! two days left to bid



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 26th April 2004
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Hi Jigs
yes I saw that, any idea which Bosch Air flow meter I need. I won't be able to make the trackday next weekend (bloody work)but was looking forward to having some fun with my winter project and claiming a few 'scalps' (watch out 500's and the like)



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 26th April 2004
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thanks for the offer but I think I need the bosch unit to make the most of the other work, I will be seeing Mark Adams next month for the final set up, so will check this out



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Tuesday 27th April 2004
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been a busy winter, wilwood four pot brakes, Nitron shocks (these were fitted and set up by Steve Guglielmi) and lets just say it goes a bit better now (as Trevor and his T350C will testify) can't wait till the next track day (hope Colin can swing the one in July)


Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Friday 7th May 2004
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Hi Ray
this could be a while, last friday a 7.5 tonne truck mashed the rear of it, was sitting at the rundabout at Sprucefield and it right up the arse.



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Sunday 9th May 2004
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Alan you seem pretty well informed!.............. It was a bloody tow truck for a well known body repair shop! and they have give me Fial Punto in exchange, seems a bargin.