Where can you get high Octane fuel in the North over 97 RON?

Where can you get high Octane fuel in the North over 97 RON?



Original Poster:

539 posts

82 months

Tuesday 26th September 2017
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I've tried searching and seemed this isn't a problem I've imagined myself. Noticed all I can find are pretty much just the 97 fuels. Is there anywhere in the wider Belfast/ Down area that does something higher like a 98? I've been feeding my Porker on the BP ultimate at 97 RON but it's not ideal as kind of want something higher than that.


Original Poster:

539 posts

82 months

Wednesday 27th September 2017
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Ah pity, sounds as I thought then. There's loads of sportier cars here with higher compression ratios so you'd think there'd be a decent market. People don't know any better perhaps.