Is Jigs still around?



Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 24th May 2004
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Is jigs still around or has he been silenced again?


Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 24th May 2004
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seems harsh, some people have no sense of humour


Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Tuesday 25th May 2004
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Big simp said:
What a bunch of little English Tossers, i mean most of us only come on here to catch up with old Jigs latest offerings.

Trust a beano to take offence.................................................................................

Hmmhmm hey don't tar us all with same brush!


Original Poster:

2,781 posts

278 months

Monday 14th June 2004
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g7tvr said:
Can't sleep 'cos I know I've spent all that money (that I don't have) and the new cerby still won't be as noisy as Audrey's S!

Garth are you allowed here? and should'nt it be G7 BMW now