Where can you get high Octane fuel in the North over 97 RON?

Where can you get high Octane fuel in the North over 97 RON?



Original Poster:

539 posts

82 months

Tuesday 26th September 2017
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I've tried searching and seemed this isn't a problem I've imagined myself. Noticed all I can find are pretty much just the 97 fuels. Is there anywhere in the wider Belfast/ Down area that does something higher like a 98? I've been feeding my Porker on the BP ultimate at 97 RON but it's not ideal as kind of want something higher than that.


2,405 posts

209 months

Wednesday 27th September 2017
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Nowhere as far as I know. I got excited one time passing Tesco as they had Tesco Momentum 99 branded signs but sadly it was corporate standard advertising but they didn't have the actual fuel. Contacted a couple of suppliers and apparently they don't sell anything above 97 due to transportation costs and not enough demand (?? despite the huge numbers of scoobies and evos on our roads due to rally mania).

Interested to hear if anyone knows better.


9,298 posts

206 months

Wednesday 27th September 2017
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Can't help on pumps but you can buy (at least on the mainland) barrels of Racing Fuel (IIRC it can be ordered from Demon Tweeks).

Adding racing fuel to pump fuel is feasible. Octane numbers blend almost linearly, and you can find blending charts on the web for doing this. But, broadly 1 part of, say for ease of maths, 98 RON mixed with 1 part of 102 RON should yield 2 parts of 100 RON

This should get the octane you need, but you will not, of course, get the optimised vapor pressure/blending ratios that a properly mixed fuel would get.


Original Poster:

539 posts

82 months

Wednesday 27th September 2017
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Ah pity, sounds as I thought then. There's loads of sportier cars here with higher compression ratios so you'd think there'd be a decent market. People don't know any better perhaps.


6 posts

40 months

Wednesday 24th March 2021
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I have finally found it 99 octane in camlough, just outside NEWRY