Getting out of Gt Yarmouth is now even harder

Getting out of Gt Yarmouth is now even harder



Original Poster:

5,303 posts

258 months

Sunday 22nd October 2006
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Well the train service between Norwich and Yarmouth has been replaced for the fortnight the Acle straight is shut for resurfacing.


4,504 posts

244 months

Sunday 22nd October 2006
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Yeah, its a bit of a balls up by the council really. Still, if it keeps some of the scrotes in Yarmouth it might do some good. If you can sneak on the Acle Straight when they aren't working there it would be a good chance for a few vmax runs though I still have access to it because my father farms some of the marshes down there.


8 posts

218 months

Friday 5th January 2007
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Typical of Great Yarmouth Borough Council


2,781 posts

233 months

Friday 5th January 2007
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Its a bit more complicated than that...

Norfolk CC are responsible for the local roads. All roadwork’s have to be notified to them up to 30 days away (except emergencies).

The Highways Agency is responsible for trunk roads. They have the same roadwork’s rules.

Network Rail is responsible for the track work on the trains. I am sure there is a lengthy procedure for getting the track fixed by one of the MPs companies.

Do the three of them every talk? rofl

I have personal experiance of this and it aint pretty!

simpo two

87,982 posts

276 months

Friday 5th January 2007
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They must have copied Lowestoft. Hard to get into, even harder to leave. It must have been tricky even before the Council bolloxed it up, useless gits.


2,241 posts

248 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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simpo two said:
They must have copied Lowestoft. Hard to get into, even harder to leave. It must have been tricky even before the Council bolloxed it up, useless gits.

I agree its a nightmare getting and out of lowie now but is it the councils fault or the contractors?

simpo two

87,982 posts

276 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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rooster said:
I agree its a nightmare getting and out of lowie now but is it the councils fault or the contractors?

I can't believe the contractors would put in a load of one-way, one-lane streets and bollards by mistake!