Cardiff...2 less cameras... then 3 more!!!!!!!!!

Cardiff...2 less cameras... then 3 more!!!!!!!!!



Original Poster:

4,799 posts

255 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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So.. they get rid of the camera after the tunnels in the bay..... AND the camera just after the Merc garage in Pentwyn and replace them with.... THREE in the space of 3/4 mile on North Road!



Original Poster:

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255 months

Wednesday 12th May 2004
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dick dastardly said:
When did these go up? Where on North road exactly?

Going into cardiff: one by the side of Nazareth House- just past the old Comet site.

Coming out of Cardiff: one by the side of the arts college then another one opposite the funeral home 100yds away from the first one I mentioned.

They went up yesterday.

N.B. The outward bound one opp. the funeral home DOESN'T have lines on the road so watch out!


Original Poster:

4,799 posts

255 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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I've seen the one with the tree in front of it.. I think that's the way to go.

We plant trees in front of every gatso and then let the lentil munchers fight with the camera partnerships! Brill!!


Original Poster:

4,799 posts

255 months

Thursday 13th May 2004
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c14ppy said:
rogue group tansplants thousands of tree to cover local speed cameras

No, no, no! You need something like:

"eco-friendly motorists plant trees to hide visual scarring of speed cameras and reduce impact of airline pollution"

There... that's better! Who's going to ring the Echo?


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4,799 posts

255 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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LuS1fer said:
The cameras on North Road are, in fairness, justifiable. The one outside the Welsh College of Music & Drama was where that police officer was killed (although not to do with speeding?)and the ones by Nazareth House are, I hate to say, perfectly reasonable with an orphanage, an ambulance station, a major student crossing area and a Death Wish zebra crossing all along that short stretch.


1.The college incident was when a copper ran in front of a car chasing a pikey thief.. I saw it... the driver didn't stand a chance... nothing to do with speed!
2.The orphange doesn't even have an exit on that road so unless they can scale a 20 foot wall they're safe.
3. If you hit an ambulance at least you'll get treated in a reasonable time.
4. Students are supposed to be clever enough to cross the road... if they aren't... well let's just call it natural selection!

You are starting to believe the lies spouted by the government and scamera partnership. Wake up! Remember WE don't drive down the pavments mowing people down... THEY jump in front of us! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!



Original Poster:

4,799 posts

255 months

Tuesday 18th May 2004
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"technically justifiable"..... you're starting to speak like the bu66ers now!

Anyway... loved the idea of hang gliding nuns! LMAO