Petition to Welsh Govt. against 20mph limit

Petition to Welsh Govt. against 20mph limit


Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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In case anybody is interested:

It's at 7236 signatures as at the point of posting this.

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Monday 17th April 2023
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rev-erend said:
OK signed.

Now over 10,000 and will be debated and will then be totally ignored.
I thought that too and then i re-read the wording on the Welsh Gubberment website which says"The Petitions Committee considers all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures for a debate" so not even any guarantee that it will make any difference whatsoever.

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Wednesday 19th April 2023
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framerateuk said:
Penny Whistle said:
But they've announced they're changing the name of the Brecon Beacons. Surely that's money well spent (not) ? Though I'm hoping it's just a delayed April Fool.
Can't say I agree there.

It's always been called Bannau Brycheiniog, the English is just a (poor) translation. Other countries use their native terms for regions and places, and I think if Wales wants to increase the number of Welsh speakers and give more visibility to the language then we need to do the same.

There's so many horrible anglicised place names in Wales, where the English doesn't even make sense, it's just a easier to say version of the welsh. The like of Llantwit Major (Llanilltud Fawr) come to mind.

I've just come back from a trip to Iceland, and while something mad like 95% of people speak English, they haven't watered down their place names for the (mostly) American tourists at all, and they're all the better for it.

Edited by framerateuk on Wednesday 19th April 16:06
Without wishing to derail the thread. it's good that you think like that. I hope it works out well for you and the rest of the Welsh residents.

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Tuesday 27th June 2023
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This is being debated on 28th June

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Tuesday 19th September 2023
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Mercdriver said:
Live in Scotland but signed this because it is wrong, only time before the idiots up here change this limit in Scotland too.

Cars emit more fumes in a low gear and higher revs so how is this going to improve air quality.

Sounds like a cynical way of increasing revenue by fining anyone, ie everyone, driving at over 20 MPH
It is more sinister than just the fines IMHO. It's the Gov't (in this case Welsh) making travelling by car more frustrating and less advantageous to reduce car usage and drive people onto the (non existent) public transport network or to go by foot or cycle. A move towards the 15 minute city.

The beginning of the end for the car I'm afraid.

Tyre Tread

Original Poster:

10,542 posts

219 months

Thursday 21st September 2023
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ATG said:
Drakeford, far from being some megalomaniac on a power trip, is a decent and trustworthy bloke who tries to do the right thing. .

Yes, we all believe that. No, honestly we do. Really.
