Glastonbury 2010. (VERY pic & text heavy!)

Glastonbury 2010. (VERY pic & text heavy!)



Original Poster:

684 posts

206 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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Something we had always promised ourselves we would do, not sure if anyone's interested, but what the Hell.

Thursday 24 June................

Military operation loading of the van; no glass allowed on site - plastic cups, plates etc purchased & loaded. Tickets.....check, cash.......check, alcohol (wine & ale)......check, bank cards......check, food......check, WELLIES......check, bedding......check, van pass.......check, sun cream......"one bottle will be enough" (guess who said thatfrown)........check, kids......check.

Dog to kennels.

A remarkably stress free journey of 2hrs down the motorway...........then a hugely stressful journey of 1hr through country lanes in a large & particularly wide camper van with particularly poor visibility & Mrs Alsa navigating, a few frank exchanges of views & opinions.
Arrived at the campsite entrance at just before 3pm on Thursday.

Van strip-searched for glass.
Empty several bottles of wine into plastic water bottleseek (white wine really does NOT look appetising in a clear plastic water bottle) & meekly apologise to security staff & attempt to redeem some credibility by citing the plastic eating/drinking arrangementstongue out

Guided to a stunning spot overlooking the entire site to the East. Park up, meet the neighbours (having nearly rearranged the awning on their van while parking).
Send kids out to explore & run off excess energy (futilerolleyes) & decant 1st glass (sorry, plastic drinking implement) of wine each. The world looks great.
Set out bedding/sleeping arrangements - kids 53rd (ok that's a guess) argument of the day - an adult decision must be made - so I left that to Sarahbiggrin
Kids to sleep in the bunk above the cab, us at the back. (This is a 6 berth van apparently, so there will be loads of room;)).

Ok, time to have a look 'round.
Half hour walk to the festival site itself - through the rows & rows & rows of tents. 'Bonus this is - friends advised us that it would probably be a good hour to an hour & a half walk to just get to the site.
Waw, 'Other Stage' complex is the 1st thing we see - it is VAST: (I'll be using the next phrase an awful lot) one really does get NO concept of just how huge this whole site is on the telly & it looks massive on that!

Right, lets find the KidZone & get that out of the way.
Another half hour walk to the other side of the festival site expecting to find a glorified 'modern, commercial' funfair type thing; could I have been more wrong? The thought that has gone into every last activity in this area is just stunning.............improvised, interactive yet basic & free I think are the best descriptives. Something for all ages (ours are 4 & 10), lovely carnival atmosphere, great & totally unobtrusive security.
The improvised freestyle drumming was a HUGE 'hit' with Asbo (youngest - see pic below!) no prizes for guessing what she wants for her birthday nowcry.

Gentle 'meander' back through the site - clocking toilet areas & proximity of these to the stages.
Good look at the amazing myriad of what appear at 1st glance to be just typical funfair type trade stalls. That is until you begin to take in their wares.............vintage clothing, art, festival camping wares & necessities, alcohol, hair braiding, tattooing, sand sculpture, herbal, green, energy - all catered for (& no, I haven't 'gone green'biggrin) & all the food one could possibly eat from EVERY corner of the globe (& then some). One thing to add here is that I was expecting to flinch at the cost of feeding a family of four for four days at an event like this, but was amazed at how reasonably priced it all was (the £6 each Angus burger at the 'Other Stage' area exceptedfurious), typically the four of us ate a good meal for less than £20 including drinks every time - & to those of us with kids this is a MAJOR concern as, if they are anything like ours, they just don't stop eating!

Visit the 'Pyramid Stage' complex & stop for more refreshments - just the most amazing sight with the 1970-2010 above the stage & yet again, the sheer, immense scale of it all.

Anyway, gentle meander back to van taking in the immense scale of the thing & turning back to see some of the things we had missed.
Up through the Avalon area (more of which later) through the Greenfields, past the Tipi field/village. The Hollywood style 'GLASTONBURY 40' beautifully lit in the setting sun.
Pics below.

Arrive back at the van for another wine & (try) to settle the kids down.
Chill out, enjoy the sunset, navigate the deceptively narrow area of the van between the toilet/shower & kitchen area (particularly for those of us slightly fuller around the girth than mostcry).
Kids find the headroom level of the upper bunk is ever so slightly restricted

End of Day 1.
Well almost.......more later.

Day1 pt2!!!!!!

Ok, 1st major piece of advice to anyone contemplating doing this........DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE allow the stewards to guide you to park your camper van facing cab down on a hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neither myself nor Sarah are particularly slim, agile creations. Nor are we particularly tall. The six berth camper van's full bed at the rear assembles across the entire width of the rear of the van - well over six foot wide, but only about four foot in length. So the options are to sleep across with ones entire body on the bed, or to sleep 'downwards' with legs hanging over the end (in my case with feet on the floor). We have decided to adopt option A.
The penny still has not quite dropped, despite beginning to feel we require grappling hooks to ascend to the rear of the van..............sleep creeps upon us.
As we all know, when we sleep, we relax. When we relax we may unconciously relieve our muscle positions & the support we give our bodies.
1.00am. A prostrate heap of Mr & Mrs Alsaautomotive, duvet, pillows & ,oddly, shoes arrive halfway down the aisle of the van, one of us having evidently sustained a blow to the head in the carnage due to her language & totally unrestrained verbal attack on the other.
I proceed to build a wall of cusions to restrain us both & prevent a recurrence, but the price to pay is to have Sarah at.........shall we say..........uncomfortably close quarters for the next six hours.


I don't think the kids fared much better than us, they awake like thunder & 1st argument between them leaves Shelby (eldest) the undoubted (& in my opinion justified) winner, with Asbo left looking like thunder. (See pic - though to those of a nervous disposition it's a scary look - one seen all to often in the Alsaautomotive household.......not nicknamed Asbo for nothing!)

Ok, send kids out to explore & run off some energy (sound familiar??).
Hallelujah, they've made up

Unfortunately though, this being an Italian camper van (albeit brand new!)
the fridge has ceased to work, so no tea/coffee this morning (the milk has been a casualty), so I will just have to eat all of the bacon we've brought with us (yes I did give the kids some) & we begin the day with a glass (sorry, plastic drinking implement) of Red!

Empty the chemical toilet - I was absolutely dreading this - but really no issue at all - the facilities provided on the camper van field are excellent & clean. Heard all sorts of horror stories about the Glastonbury bogs & facilities, must be people overreacting LOL!!!!!!!

Right, we're running a bit late.........Rolf's due on the 'Pyramid Stage' at 11am, with The Stranglers due on the 'Other Stage' at 12.15.
Mad dash down through what is becoming like a somewhat down at heel Eastern European country - the rows & rows & rows of tents, with the evidence of 24hrs of human habitation all around; crikey, we're all glad we did not even entertain camping!!!!!!!!!!

Get to the 'Pyramid' at about 11.30.

We are right on the extremities of the complex - at the top next to yet
another field of tents.
It is so vast that there is a delay between what we see on the two main screens & what we hear through the speakers
Great voice, very distorted sound though, left at 12.00 to get to the 'Other Stage' for The Stranglers at 12.15 feeling a little deflated & anti-climatic.

Bloody Hell, the queue is horrific. BUT with Sarah holding Shelby's hand & me holding Asbo's hand, as soon as people see you have kids with you, the 'pack mentality' changes completely & the atmosphere - even though we are all intent on getting to see who we want to see - lightens immediately in our direct environ. Just amazing (& in all honesty, this is something that stunned us all weekend).

Ok, we are a bit late for The Stranglers. But wait..........the set's been put back............right, time for some food. (See post above - AVOID the 'Best Beef' stall at all costs - cost being the critical word here. The food was good, but the cost compared to all other traders there was pretty horrific - so, how in the name of sanity can 3 burgers, 4 portions of chips & 2 coffee's come to £36.00?????????)
Whinge over.

Well, The Stranglers arrive on stage at about 1.30. We have a great the left (ok the right if you saw any of it on telly) of the stage, a fair way back, but close enough to feel 'involved'.
My God, this is why we came...................I've always loved The Stranglers, great live group - yes the lineup has changed (Hugh Cornwell etc), but the music..........oh the music.........'No More Heroes', 'Peaches', 'Nice N Sleazy' & the awesome & so, so apt 'Always The Sun'. All played with so much heart & soul & the direct reaction of us all in the audience..............yeah, this is why we came...........rock'n'roll man See pics (if you can make them out).

So, the kids want to see La Roux...........yawn & Florence & The Machine - ok, Sarah & I can cope with that. They are both on at the 'Other Stage' after each other so there's just one act in between The Stranglers & La Roux
- never heard of 'em - Pheonix - but hey, let's just chill out.

Blimey, this Pheonix lot are good too........made full use of the sound system & really generate some rock, Sarah now on about getting their CD's!

Well, another half hour to La Roux (there is a fairly fixed turnaround of half hour intervals between sets).
So some food I think
Ok, La Roux....well, she can certainly sing. Bloody Hell, is that Glenn Gregory coming on stage??????????? Yes it is.........dueting.............Sarah's in heaven (17!!). Very, very impressed with that!

Small break, chill out time & catnap for kids (or is that adults), Florence & the Machine, always liked her voice (quite Hazel O'Connor), but that's about as far as I've ever listened TBH. F### me - this is out of this world..............harps, part orchestra & 'that' voice. Just immense. The sound reverberates through ones body, up through the grass, the kids are going loopy Loving it.

Waw, now back to the van for the night - still quite early - but it's a big day tomorrow - Muse

Some Red
Empty the toilet. (Down side to the whole thing - if you are going to go..............for the love of God make sure you have access to your own bog!!!!!!!!!). Yep, we've all heard the stories about the Glasto toilets - they are all really would not want to use them unless it was a genuine emergency/life or death situation. I adopted the 'Camel' attitude - storage is key
Right, to bed, scale the North face of the Fiat, build Berlin bed wall.........sleep. Happy & content (if squashed) that we have done the right thing in coming!

Day3 (Saturday).

Well, I've been looking forward to this one most of all - headline act Muse, saw them on Glasto coverage on TV in 2005 (??I think).

We have our routine now, wake up, remove Berlin camper wall, roll down to front of van, have a ciggie (outside of course).
Glass of Red (still can't bring myself to drink the 'sample' that was once the white wine in the water bottle).
Empty toilet.
More wine.
Wake kids (if necassary).
Discuss with neighbours last night's music (none impressed by Gorillaz BTW!!!!!!!!)
Clean up & head off to festival ground.
The tent fields are now beginning to resemble a small third world country as are the toilet blocks!

The 1st gig we want to see are the Wurzels at the Avalon stage/field.
This area has really become my favourite of the entire's so laid back, friendly, easy going & with such a lovely, close atmosphere.
Well, the Wurzels blast all records for Avalon...........20,000+ in a field/venue designed (we think) for about 10,000. FANTASTIC's always been a guilty passion of mine - novelty stuff from the 70's, but man, these guys are truly awesome. They don't take themselves seriously (at all!) & seem to be enjoying just performing - if anyone turns up then it's a bonus. Total audience participation (at least for those of us who know the words - which I do)
Right, both Sarah & myself would quite like to see Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel if we get the chance & they're on later at Avalon, so we decide to hang around there for the afternoon.
There's a great playground for the kids, I fall off a see saw with Shelby on the other end (I may be slightly heavier, but still sure she tipped it up deliberately).

'Do' lunch in a lovely covered cafe in Avalon with a stage inside.
Simply FAB new group playing called 'From Humans' with about 40 of us listening!!!!!!!

Try to find some shade - we're more than halfway through the sun tan lotion now - kids take priority, so I'm becoming somewhat medium/well done! Wearing sandals my feet are particularly nicely striped - giving the appearence of a mobile zebra crossing.

We hang around to see Steve Harley.............get caught up in a frenzy of late middle age space cadet'ism watching a folk group from the North-East singing about a 17 year old miner from Halifax forced to work in the pits in Victorian England...............something for everyone eh??!! Not our kind of thing but hey ho.

Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel.................right at the front for this one - no jostling, really friendly atmosphere, plenty of space.............& bloody hell - he just rocked it, can't put into words how great this gig was, I came out with no voice left & seriously aching legs & arms! THE BEST GIG EVER, intimate, loud, friendly, funny, I could go on.........all the usual favourites - Come Up & See Me, Judy Teen, Mr Soft, (unbelievably) Sebastian & a rousing finish with Here Comes The Sun.
Met the guitarist & the violinist post show (not deliberately I might add!!!) & simply couldn't thank them enough for such a great show.

Right, a good chill out (again) some more food, kids have another session on the playground (I am now in too much pain to participate) attempt to regain some vocal ability for Muse.

A gentle stroll through the Circus Field to the Pyramid. Circus Field is another of those areas that is just out of this world; the sheer variety of acts (still going at 9.30pm) is astonishing; trapez artists, whip crackers, fire eaters etc, etc.

Good spot for Muse - on the outer edges about halfway in front of the left side 'screen.
A very polished show, sensational lighting, great sound, but maybe a little impersonal after the blast from Steve Harley.
Woke Asbo up around 10.45pm & began to make our way back to the van.
The kids caused much amusement on the walk back as Sarah had issued them with 'head lights' which they kept 'light fighting' each other with!
And yet again, even this late the atmosphere was lovely.
Yes there were drugs around - many's the large spliff seen being enjoyed & a LOT of alcohol, but not at any time did the feeling become oppressive or threatening, it was just a lot of people (about 180k I think) really enjoying themselves
Back to the van, chuck the kids in bed & ditto us.
Decided to attempt sleeping 'with gravity' - that lasted about 1hr!!!!!!!!!!!

4th (& final) Day.

Morning routine..........but in addition a full tidy up & clean of the van in readiness to be away at the end of the festival. We have now found every single item we thought we had packed but couldn't find!
This leaves us running rather late (again).

Tent city now looks like a third world country in the throes of a particularly bloody civil war!!
However..........the camper van fields are spick & span.

Straight down to the 'Pyramid' this morning for Paloma Faith for the kids, she really is quite loopy!! Kids on shoulders in turn, not good given that said shoulders are now bright red & throbbing!

Shelby & Asbo are starting to get tired now - I think they have slept even less than us (which is quite some acheivement!). So they have a quick catnap whilst Norah Jones plays the Pyramid (in all honesty I should've too).

So..........let's rock, Slash with band.
Stadium rock at it's very pinnacle, just minblowing, all the G'n'R hits & some new stuff; all top quality; finished with Paradise City played Hendrix style, great rapport particularly between the singer & the crowd - Slash being uncharacteristically communicative - more than a sentence spoken LOL. Truly, truly one of the best guitarists ever surely?

Almost as soon as the Slash set finishes a true legend arrives for his set...................Ray Davies, again, another set filled to the brim with classic hits...........Lola, Victoria, Waterloo Sunset, Days (in memory of the late Paul Quaife - Kinks bassist) and many, many more.
Yet again, another sensational set played with huge enthusiasm & with a full choir by someone who so obviously just loves performing.
Oh, & apparently we stood about 10ft away from someone called Will Young??

So, the final act then - to be honest, we didn't see Stevie Wonder. The kids were (finally) knackered, we were knackered & had a long drive ahead.

We worked our way slowly back to the van, stopping for some food & coffee (Hell - there's a suprise - no alcohol since 9am) two very tired, sunburnt & giddily happy adults with two extremely grubby, full, happy, knackered kids.

Tent city now looks like an abandoned third world civil war torn country!

Wave goodbye to the neighbours (they're off 'early' too).

Negotiate our way out via the gradient (one thing we won't miss) & off home.
One hell of an experience - seriously - if you are into ANY kind of music, you really should go at least once, but for God's sake take your own bog!
Oh & the 1st Glasto since 2002 that's been completely drybiggrin
Are we going again?

Too right, next year here we come

Hope you enjoyed this & I haven't gone on too much????? (Probably have though) & I have given maybe a little of the flavour of it?
Cheers all, I'm off to catch up on sleep (& to the doctor's tomorrow to have my hat surgically removed), Al.


1,392 posts

196 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
quotequote all
Superb write up and pics Al, Looks like you and family had a fantastic time.

We were talking to some friends (with Children and some who own campers vans thank goodness)about this on Saturday saying we really fancy doing it and think your post will convince them!

Edited by Red111 on Tuesday 29th June 17:03


12,750 posts

242 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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You might like to post a link here in the Music forum, I only found this by chance. Sounds a great time, I am SO envious! Mate of mine was there from the previous Sunday (part of the stewarding). He isn't home yet!

From what I saw on TV, it looked like one of the best ever. Gorillaz didn't come across great on TV and (although I know others disagree) Stevie Wonder didn't either. Muse was utterly incredible though, so I can only imagine what it was like to be there. I do wish TV would cover more of the non-music stuff, I have heard so much about the outer fields and the small gigs. Very disappointed that The Stranglers didn't get shown. Serves me right, I should have been there!


Original Poster:

684 posts

206 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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Cheers both......111 - do it, you really will NOT regret itthumbup
Thanks Zad, link posted. The Stranglers were just awesome, yes - we've had a quick scan through what we recorded of the BBC coverage & it seems they covered just the 'big' headliners. Can't believe they don't seem to have shown Ray Davies either.
Best wishes, Al.


12,750 posts

242 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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They definitely showed Ray Davies, there is more on the BBC site though:


8,397 posts

244 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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bow Had no idea it was this good. Love my sounds, all sorts, Brass player myself, but love everything, especially live. On my to do list now, thanks Al. thumbup


17,965 posts

210 months

Tuesday 29th June 2010
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Good writeup! This year was, I think, my 10th- Have some friends with a catering business with whom I make a guest appearance every year. Nice to see a family angle on it too, it's a great festival for kids and the KidZone with the pirate ship is awesome!

Most of my highlights came from the Avalon stage, it's a lovely venue and much more intimate than the main stages- This year there were a lot of acts there that you'd expect to have a "larger" billing.

Pet Shop Boys were fantastic too, brilliant video effects and a class performance!

BTW, some of the food, well indeed most of the food, is scandalously priced. I thoroughly recommend the proper Cornish Pasty Company van wink -Prices aren't hiked for the festival and it's all proper stuff too.

Apart from that, avoid most of the fast food/burger vans and there are some hidden gems, especially on the more exotic food stalls...


5,935 posts

198 months

Wednesday 30th June 2010
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Great write up. Thanks a bunch


194 posts

199 months

Wednesday 30th June 2010
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Great summary of your visit, we were there in a motor home too, it’s the future. The field (W61) we were in was so clean through out the duration; we were there Wednesday until Monday morning.
Amazing weather, some great bands & fantastic atmosphere. Quite daunted by the size of the place, I’d compare it to the size of a Florida theme park. Very dusty, sandals only & no wellies.
Our days consisted of full English (cooked in the motor home), the three S’s, pack up, lock up and away you go. Stay out for the next 10 to 12 hours & have tea on site, typically £7 per person.
Took a small ruck sack full of near frozen beers & just monged for hour’s people watching. One day we went to the ‘the park’ stage & watched 6 or 7 bands one after another & got burnt in the process.
It really was difficult to get out of the sun – we should have took an umbrella, but didn’t ‘cause the forecast was dry…
Seriously considering going next year, this time taking my two teenagers (13 &15) and oh, convince the wife to come too.


Original Poster:

684 posts

206 months

Wednesday 30th June 2010
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Ah, we were on W61 as well Justtourinthumbup Totally agree on the lack of shade, really (other than the bogs) the only down side. We're definetely going again next year, maybe a P/H 'collective'?? (BTW we were the ones in the massive Fiat parked downhill next to the top access roadbiggrin)

carreauchompeur - waw, some commitment! (Those pasties are special mantongue out) Totally agree on the Avalon - just the most laid back & lovely area (though I'm not convinced that there aren't some people there who haven't been in-situ since 1970laugh) did you see the Steve Harley gig (or The Wurzels for that matter??)

Wyn, DO ITthumbupthumbup

Zad..........I was VERY tired when going through the coverage we'd Sky Plus'ed;)!!!!!!

I'd be interested in knowing what anyone there thought of the coverage??

So who's going next year then? P/H collective??biglaugh

Cheers all for the heads up on the write up, took some doing so massive thanks for taking an interest.
Keep 'em coming & best wishes, Al.


4,035 posts

206 months

Saturday 10th July 2010
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Great write up. Did you hire the camper vans or are they yours?


Original Poster:

684 posts

206 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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Sorry for the late reply was a hire van from a good friend.


Original Poster:

684 posts

206 months

Tuesday 20th July 2010
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Mrs Alsa has been trawling You Tube on a recommendation from another forum & found some vids of our favourite gig.............Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel (though we were even closer to the stage than the vid taker!), Florence & The Machine doing the 'Mac's 'The Chain', The Stranglers, Oh & The Wurzels seem to have crept in as well at the endlaugh

Edited by alsaautomotive on Tuesday 20th July 21:07

The Black Duke

1,642 posts

199 months

Sunday 25th July 2010
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I spent 12 days working at Glastonbury this year and have to say I had an amazing time. Great people, awesome music and fantastic weather.