South West Wales Breakfast Meet

South West Wales Breakfast Meet



Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Tuesday 25th August 2015
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Fingers and everything crossed for a dry morning would be nice


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 26th September 2015
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paf291x said:
So is the meet this sunday and if so who will be going??? driving
Yep the brekkie meet is in the morn should be a good tue out forecast is looking great
Makes a change see you all there


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 26th September 2015
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paf291x said:
So is the meet this sunday and if so who will be going??? driving
Yep the brekkie meet is in the morn should be a good tue out forecast is looking great
Makes a change see you all there


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Tuesday 15th December 2015
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rezza said:
Hi all, long time no see !!

Is there a meet for the end of the year ? Am going to try to make this one

Alright Si this months meet is on the 27th hopefully looking like a good turnout thumbup


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Sunday 20th March 2016
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Don't forget this months brekkie meet is only a week away hopefully have some nice weather too


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Friday 29th July 2016
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Forecast is indeed looking good looks like it will be a good jap turnout and fingers crossed something pretty special
and British thumbup


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Tuesday 23rd August 2016
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Bump don't forget its brekkie meet time again this Sunday forecast is looking hit and miss
Hopefully the sun will make an appearance at some point


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 24th September 2016
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BUMP don't forget this months brekkie meet is tomorrow forecast isn't looking great but you never know fingers crossed


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 24th September 2016
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Just checked the forecast not looking good and if it carries on like it is now will need a boat not a car rofl


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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Yes this months brekkie meet is next Sunday (30th) looking like a good turnout thumbup


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Sunday 23rd October 2016
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nicolelh said:
I've recently moved to Swansea and have heard about this but never been - is there an event thread for it or is it a case of people know it happens and just turn up?

Wouldn't mind some more info to pop up some time!
Pm sent


Original Poster:

2,370 posts

188 months

Thursday 15th December 2016
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Quick heads up this months brekkie meet will be this Sunday (18th Dec) due to the last Sunday falling on Christmas Day